A Morning Person - Me?
It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises to the Most High. It is good to proclaim your unfailing love in the morning and make music to your name, O Most High, to proclaim your love in the morning, your faithfulness in the evening.
"I'll rise but I refuse to shine."
For years that saying has been my motto. It has hung on a plaque on my bathroom wall. A sticker on my dresser mirror carries the same message.
"I sure would enjoy the day more if it started later." Aha! A plaque beside the bed shares a similar glimmer of truth.
Growing up I never used an alarm clock. Every morning before school, my father came down the hall whistling, opened my door, and said, "Good morning. Time to get up. It's going to be a great day." Then he wiggled my big toe. And even though it was dark in the room, I knew Daddy was smiling.
I have never been a pre-breakfast talker. But many mornings I almost broke that pattern to scream, "I hate to have my toe wiggled!"
Dr. Davis, former pastor emeritus of our church, was a sweet and gentle octogenarian. He stood in the pulpit and quoted scripture and poetry from memory. Even as a teenager (when sermons topped the list of things most often tuned out!) my ears automatically returned to the pulpit when Dr. Davis began to recite. One of his favorite poems was called "The Secret" by Ralph Spaulding Cushman. The poem began "I met God in the morning when my day was at its best..." That one line was usually enough for me to check out mentally. The morning? When the day was at its best?
Over the years a strange thing has happened. Even though my children are grown and I no longer have to make the daily carpool run to school, I am not able to sleep as late as I used to every day; I find myself getting up earlier. I don't spring from the bed shouting, "It's going to be a great day." But after the first cobwebs have cleared I slowly roll over and let my feet hit the floor.
Rising earlier allows a few minutes of quiet time before the day's business begins. A few minutes spent quietly talking to God and meditating on His Word helps to give direction to my day and puts me in touch first thing with the One whom I want to direct my path. And, as tells us God's mercies are "afresh every morning." Who wouldn't want to jump out of bed and see what He has in store for a new day!
It didn't happen all of a sudden. But Dr. Davis and Ralph Cushman were right. The last verse of Cushman's poem that Dr. Davis often quoted came back to mind after many years.
So I think I know the secret,
Learned from many a troubled way:
You must seek Him in the morning
If you want Him through the day!
Ralph Spaulding Cushman was definitely a morning person. Surprisingly, now so am I.
What about you? Are you a morning person? Do you make it a priority to start each new day with time spent with God? If not, give it a try. You may find yourself agreeing with Ralph Cushman as well!
Copyright 2013 Linda Gilden, used by permission.