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Her Priorities Led to Promotions

“I started tithing as a little girl. In fact, I can remember that I guess I got a dollar for a birthday gift. And it was a dime I put in the envelope, and I was so proud to give that to the Lord.” That first dime was the start of a lifetime of faithfulness for Wanda Roberts and her trust in God’s provision, carried her through some tough financial times. She says, “The word says I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. That keeps me going most days. I know my limitations and I know my limitations financially but in Him, somehow, it's enough.”

When Wanda’s marriage of 17 years ended in 2018, not only was she devastated at the loss, but she was also not sure how she’d cope financially. With only $9,000 in the bank and her secretary job at an assisted living facility to sustain her, Wanda cried out to God to provide. She recalls, “God began to bless me financially in little ways that were so totally unexpected. I mean, there were times that things would get really tight.”  Yet no matter how tight things got, Wanda would tithe first and pay her bills after. She states, “God said, ‘give your first fruits’, not your last dribbling of your money, but your first fruits. So, I can bless the 90%.” And God did just that for Wanda. Like when she got a refund check for over $10,000 in the mail from her bank. Wanda recalls, “That came out of the blue. I felt overwhelmed with joy when that check came in the mail. I just couldn't believe my eyes and all I could do was thank Him.”

After two lean years, a friend offered Wanda a better position at a different assisted living facility with an 18% salary increase. She recalls, “I was completely amazed of what God was doing.” By now, Wanda was financially stable so in addition to tithing, she decided to join CBN. A ministry she has enjoyed for many years. Wanda believes, “CBN has been a lighthouse for me. I love to hear CBN’s news. I turned that on in the morning. One of the first programs I watch.”  In addition to CBN News, Wanda enjoys watching the incredible impact CBN has all around the world. She feels proud to be a part of such a dynamic ministry. She says, “CBN is like Johnny-on-the-spot. They're one of the first responders to a crisis. And then the Home Front with the veterans, oh my gosh, I love what they do for the military families. I said, Lord, I have to give because I feel like CBN are my hands extended.”

In 2021 Wanda earned another promotion with a 35% pay raise which she attributes to her faithfulness over the years of putting God first when it came to her money. She says, “He has never failed me. He's been only good to me. And tithing is just to open His window of Heaven to pour us out more blessings than we could ever hold in our hands.” Today, Wanda is semi-retired yet she still continues to tithe and support CBN while encouraging others to trust God with their finances too. She says,  “God is real and He loves you and He'll take care of you. God is faithful and He'll never leave you alone.”

700 Club

Freedom from Tremendous Pain

Eunice has spent more than a decade dealing with a painful goiter.

“For years, I could barely take care of myself and my family.  I went to the hospital, and I was told surgery would cost more than 2,000 dollars.  I sell fish in the market, and in my entire life I have never seen that much money. My family and friends are all poor, too, so I have nowhere to turn.  All I can do is live in pain.” - Eunice

The goiter continued to grow.

“I can not do house chores or manual work any more.  The pain is unbearable.  I can barely eat, and it is so hard to sleep.” - Eunice

Eunice's unwavering faith kept her going. She prayed tirelessly, holding onto the hope that a miracle was possible.

“I believed that the God who created me
without this goiter is the same God who will heal me.” - Eunice

When Operation Blessing heard about Eunice’s struggle, your support made her life-changing surgery possible.

“My family and friends were very happy and excited to see me back home after the surgery,  especially my children.  I was finally healed! When I looked at myself in the mirror for the first time, I could not believe my eyes.   I was overwhelmed with joy, and I gave thanks to God. I used to feel so ugly, but now I feel beautiful.  I can eat and drink, and I am able to fetch water, do laundry, cook, and do all the house chores.  I am especially happy I can take care of my children again. I can never pay you back for your kindness, but I pray that God will continue to bless you and increase you so that you can continue to be a blessing to others like you have been to me. Thank you so much and may God bless you.” - Eunice


Do you know that CBN partners can reach people around the world for Christ every day? We invite you to join us in ministry together as we provide financial support to those in need through our life-giving surgeries, food and clothing programs, humanitarian aid, and so much more! When you give today and become a CBN partner, you’ll help transform lives in the name of Jesus Christ! Join us now!

700 Club

Opening Up Heaven’s Windows

When Anita Hightower was pregnant with her third child, she didn’t make a lot of money.

Antia remembers, “I was working part-time, we barely made ends meet and the kids were wearing hand-me-down clothes.” At the bank where she worked, a co-worker invited her to church and told her about tithing. Anita recalls, “I'm thinking, "Uh, I can't tithe."

"I don't have enough money to tithe. Looking back now, it was the Holy Spirit convicting me, saying, "Trust me."  Anita started tithing, with an already stretched budget, she trusted God would provide.  “I just started doing it, even though I didn't feel like I could do it."

And the bills were still being paid. It was like I didn't even tithe,” said Anita.
She stayed consistent with her tithes, and over the next year she was amazed at what happened. “I got a better job from working at the bank to now I'm working for the State of California. I got seven promotions within a nine-year period. I just was amazed how good God is,” says Anita.  During her time with the State, her income increased by more than 500%! Anita attributes all to God’s faithfulness.

Anita smiles and says, “When you're obedient to God, I think His way of showing up for you is showing that you're not going to lose out. Because I think when we give, we're thinking, "I'm going to lose out. I'm not going to be able to do this or that or go here or there." But you're not going to lose anything. If anything, you're going to gain something.”  In addition to tithing, God prompted her to do more. She says, 
“There's been several times when I went above and beyond my tithing, and when I did that, I felt prompted by the Holy Spirit, but at the same time, I felt like, "Ugh, I can't really afford that. I mean, I was still able to do what I needed to do or wanted to do, but at the time, you feel like, "Oh gosh, this is a big sacrifice.”

Anita continued trusting God with her finances and started supporting non-profits and ministries including CBN. “I love seeing 700 Club. I love all the different stories that they have, all the different opportunities that I have to give, because now I'm a partner. I love to see the surgeries on the cleft palate, the before and after. It's just amazing how different the kids look after that's done. I love the Operation Blessing, how they help people that have gone through all these different things, fires or floods or hurricanes. They're there to help them,” she says. Today, Anita enjoys being semi-retired and the joy of giving.

“I am so glad that the person that spoke to me at my job, which was younger than me, a single girl living at home, trying to tell me about tithing, well, thank God she did tell me about tithing, says Anita. “That's the main thing is to be obedient so you can see that God can make a way out of no way.”

Naomi, an 11-year-old girl from Indonesia, stands on the left against a blue background and smiles at the camera. The CBN Animation and Superbook logos are stacked above a graphic of Joy, Gizmo, and Chris coming out of Superbook to the right of Naomi.
CBN Animation

Naomi’s Change of Heart with Superbook

In a bustling town in Indonesia, 11-year-old Naomi’s life was far from easy. Her parents, both working as cleaning service staff at a private company, were away from home from morning until evening. This frequently left Naomi and her two younger siblings to fend for themselves. Without guidance, Naomi often found herself being harsh with her siblings and neglecting household chores, creating a tense and chaotic home environment.

One Sunday, everything changed for Naomi. During Sunday school, the Superbook episode "He Is Risen!" was shown. This episode, depicting the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross to redeem humanity’s sins, struck a deep chord within her. As she watched, tears welled up in her eyes. Naomi was profoundly moved by the story of Jesus’ love and sacrifice.

Reflecting on her own behavior, Naomi felt a wave of remorse for her disobedience towards her parents and her harshness towards her siblings. Compelled by this newfound understanding to make amends, she decided to write a heartfelt letter of apology to her parents. With tears streaming down her face, Naomi handed the letter to her parents and sincerely apologized. 

Since that day, Naomi has transformed into a new person. The love and sacrifice she learned about through Superbook had a profound impact on her behavior and her relationships. Naomi has become obedient and responsible, taking care of her household chores without being asked. More importantly, she now treats her younger siblings with kindness and gentleness, creating a harmonious and loving atmosphere at home. 

Naomi’s story is a powerful example of how Superbook can bring hope and transformation to children’s lives. By making biblical stories accessible and engaging, Superbook helps children connect with the Word of God and experience Jesus’ love in a meaningful way. Naomi’s journey from disobedience to compassion highlights the incredible power of faith and the importance of sharing these stories with young hearts.

Superbook has the potential to reach even more children, offering them the same hope and transformation experienced by Naomi. We invite you to join this mission. Whether through sharing Naomi’s story, accessing Superbook resources for your own family, or donating to CBN Animation’s Superbook ministry through the link below, your support can help extend this impact to countless others. Together, we can bring the light of God’s love to children around the world, one story at a time.


Give to Superbook


CBN’s impact around the world


Daily prayers for people across the country

In 2023, the CBN Prayer Center in the U.S. responded to 1.3 million prayer needs from viewers—recording over 6,500 professions of faith and fulfilling over 336,000 requests for ministry resources. Our ministry extends beyond phone calls, offering assistance in various languages and digital platforms.

Latin America

Highlighting testimonies of God’s faithfulness

Vida Dura or “Hard Life” stories are sourced throughout Latin America and produced in Spanish to reach a region with testimonies of people who hit rock bottom and turn to God for change. CBN has a prayer center in Latin America to support people through prayer and faith resources.


Help in Times of Crisis

When tragedy struck Israel, CBN partners helped war victims by providing emergency shelter, food, supplies, and access to counseling. Our team members also visited bomb shelters to bring hope, encouragement, and much-needed supplies.


For 30 years, CBN has been serving the people of Ukraine

CBN’s Orphan’s Promise continues to minister to desperate men, women, and children in Ukraine by providing warm clothes, winter shoes, blankets, flashlights, and thermoses. We were even able to provide some with generators.


Reaching Kids for Christ

 CBN partners are reaching children around the world with the Gospel of Jesus through Superbook, a Bible-based animation series. Through the free Superbook Kids Bible app, kids can watch Superbook, hear the Gospel presentation, play games, and more. They can also read the Bible, many in their own languages. 

CBN News


Trump Tells Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase to Stop Debanking Conservatives

President Donald Trump called out the CEOs of Bank of America and JPMorgan Chase earlier this week, contending that the financial giants have "debanked" conservatives and faith groups.   

Lawmakers Aim to Repeal FACE Act that Targets Pro-Lifers: It 'Belongs In the Dustbin of History'

Lawmakers on Capitol Hill have reintroduced a bill to repeal the FACE Act, calling it "unconstitutional" and arguing it has been "easily weaponized" against at least 50 pro-life advocates. 

A Renewed Fight for the Unborn: WATCH as Thousands Rally in DC for 52nd March for Life

Tens of thousands of pro-lifers are descending on our nation's capital for the 52nd annual March for Life today, to celebrate the sanctity of life and renew their commitment to fight for the unborn. 

Trump Pardons 23 Pro-Life Activists Who Were Prosecuted for Peaceful Protests

President Trump pardoned 23 peaceful pro-life protesters today who the White House says were unjustly targeted for prosecution by the Biden Administration.

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