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Unlocking True, Grace-Filled Aging


Dr. Don Colbert has been treating patients for over 25 years, but three years ago, he had an epiphany while listening to a sermon. 
“I realized in a burst of insight that as a medical professional, operating a practice and writing more than fifty books during my career, I had helped people find health and freedom through better eating habits, exercise, lowering their blood pressure, taking the right supplements, having good thought practices, and more—but love had never been central to my approach… somehow I had never emphasized the core message of the Gospel: love,” he shares. 

That’s why he wrote Dr. Colbert’s Spiritual Health Zone exploring the connection between spiritual well-being and overall health while focusing on what he calls the “love walk” found in Scripture.

One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question: Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?

Jesus replied: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment (Matthew 22:35-38, NIV).

When asked where to begin having a healthy spiritual life, Colbert says, “You must love yourself before you can love others.”


While examining 150 medical studies with more than 300,000 participants, it was concluded that there is a 50 percent increased likelihood of survival for people with meaningful social relationships. 

Colbert shares, “God created us to love and be loved. How we love, not just how we live, really matters.” 

Another vital element of spiritual health is practicing forgiveness. He has witnessed how harboring bitterness and unforgiveness has affected his patients’ health. The Bible says in Colossians 3:13 to "Bear with each other and forgive one another, as the Lord has forgiven you." 

Dr. Colbert shares, “Of all the actions we take in the love walk, forgiveness is by far the 
most important.” 

In addition, several medical studies echo the importance of forgiveness. Stanford University's Forgiveness Project conducted studies that show the benefits of forgiving others, including improved mental and physical health and better relationships.


Dr. Colbert encourages people to practice gratitude daily to improve their health and well-being. This can be as simple as:

•    Thanking God for necessities like shelter and transportation
•    Expressing appreciation to others
•    Keeping a gratitude journal

By cultivating a grateful attitude, individuals can experience increased happiness, optimism, and a greater sense of purpose in life. Dr. Colbert emphasizes that gratitude is not only beneficial for personal well-being but also aligns with biblical teachings, citing Thessalonians 5:18: "In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."


To learn more about Dr. Don Colbert click the Link!


NY Times best-selling author with over 50 books; latest, Dr. Colbert’s Spiritual Health Zone (Siloam, 2025) / practicing medicine for over 25 yrs / Medical Director, Colbert Institute for Anti-Aging, Orlando, FL and Dallas, TX / treated more than 50,000 patients / sold more than 10 million books / media: The Dr. Oz Show, Fox News, ABC World News, BBC, Newsweek, Prevention Magazine, etc./ Co-host with wife, Mary, of YouTube broadcast, Divine Health Report now known as Dr. Don Colbert M.D. / B.S. and M.D., Oral Roberts University. 

700 Club

Rehab and Redemption: A Story of Coming Home to Christ

“I used Suboxone, I used Xanax, and I used meth every single day, um, during my entire pregnancy; there was a lot of guilt and shame.”

As a Christian, April Byrd had always stayed away from the world of drugs, drinking and promiscuity. Then, at 21, her marriage of 2 years ended in a bitter divorce. The partying quickly turned into addiction to drugs and alcohol that she managed to hide, at least for a while. For years she struggled with addiction and had many different relationships. One resulted in the birth of her first child, Ayliana. Although she had sworn off drugs and alcohol, she felt that she was being pulled back in. So after two years, she gave in. Shortly after, April’s destructive lifestyle began to spiral more out of control. She even had to send her daughter, to live with her parents, and her visits to her daughter were very few. Her daughter Ayliana says, “sometimes I would just pray like, God would, would it be okay if mom would just show up this time? And, you know, sometimes she would, most of the time she wouldn't.”

In addition to her worsening addictions to alcohol and cocaine, April continued to get involved in several abusive relationships. Then, at the age of 28, April had another daughter, Marielle. April shares: “I used Suboxone, I used Xanax, and I used meth every single day, um, during my entire pregnancy. So of course, she was born with multiple drugs in her system and six months later, the state came and took her away from me.”

April felt she was even beyond God’s help. I had cried out to God, uh, multiple times, and I asked God to please free me from addiction. And I knew that he could do it, and I didn't understand why he wouldn't just do it for me”, April said.

With no hope, April checked herself into a rehab facility. It was there, that she found her way back to God. April gave her life to Christ, and over the next year was able to conquer her addictions. She also met her now husband Matt, who was also a recovering drug addict. They married and begun to build their lives together. April eventually regained custody of Marielle and her relationship with Ayliana was also restored. April loves her new life with her blended family. Matt even adopted her youngest daughter, Marielle. The Byrds run a recovery house for drug addicts, sharing their testimony of God’s redemption in their lives. Regarding her story, April says, “you know, a lot of people, they'll say, oh, well you got your kids back, that's great. Or, well, you're off of drugs now, that's amazing, and it is, but the reward is I have a relationship with Jesus Christ now. And that's the miracle; that's the number one reward. Forever grateful.”

700 Club

Giving a Boy the Gift of Sight

3-year-old Oliver was born with juvenile cataracts which have limited his ability to see. His mom, Erlin, told us that even eating became a challenge for the boy.  “He wanted to grab his food, but he couldn't. I had to bring the plate closer to him so he could eat.”
As time passed, Oliver´s parents noticed that he struggled to do simple tasks, like finding nearby toys while playing or bumping into things when he walked.  And when he went outside, they said he closed his eyes because the light bothered him.  “It hurts to see him like this.  I now have to walk with him, so he doesn't get hurt, said Erin."
With help from the local government, they finally took him to a to an eye specialist.  The doctor delivered the devastating news that Oliver was now completely blind and could no longer see anything.  “I felt so bad because he couldn’t see any more. He didn’t even try to look at things anymore,” added Erin.
The doctor told them, however, that an operation to remove the cataracts would cost around 900 US dollars. The boy’s father said they would never be able to afford that since he works on a farm and as a recycler.  “It's hard to see my son like this. Sometimes I wish I could give him my eyes so he could run and play,” said Esteban.   
A few days later, Erlin received a call a call from Operation Blessing. Thanks to YOU we then paid for Oliver to receive free surgery to remove the cataracts from both eyes.  The surgery was successful, and the smile we saw on his face as they removed the bandages meant that he could see again!  During a follow up visit, we paid for him to receive free glasses that will correct his vision even more!  
“Now he sees everything!  He can find things that couldn't find before,” declared Erin. “And now HE CAN RUN! I had never seen him run and play like this before!  Thanks to people who support Operation Blessing. Thank you for helping our son!” 

Gizmo stands in front of a group of children seated inside of a blue and grey striped tent. They are at a Superbook camp in Russia. The CBN Animation and Superbook logos are stacked in the upper left corner of the picture.
CBN Animation

Superbook Brings Jesus to Children in Russia

This July, the Superbook team in Russia had the joy of witnessing two incredible Superbook summer camps, one in a quaint village in the Omsk region and another in the bustling city of Novosibirsk. These camps brought together children and communities, all united by their passion for Christ and the engaging new “Jesus is a Superhero” program. 

The local Evangelical Lutheran community in Omsk organized a delightful summer camp. Despite the village's modest size, the enthusiasm was immense. Fifteen children participated in the camp, where they enjoyed a variety of activities centered around the theme of Jesus as a superhero. Each child was eager to learn and grow in their faith. The camp was filled with joy, laughter, and meaningful lessons about the incredible power of Jesus.

Meanwhile, a church in Novosibirsk hosted a children's campChildren at a Superbook camp in Russia participate in camp activities. using the same "Jesus is a Superhero" program. This camp saw a much larger turnout, with 90 children attending. The highlight of the camp was a special visit from Gizmo, the beloved Superbook character. Gizmo's presence brought excitement and wonder as he congratulated the children and shared stories about Jesus's incredible superpowers.

These camps were more than just fun and games; they were transformative experiences for the children. Through the Superbook episodes, songs, and activities, the children connected deeply with the Word of God. They learned about Jesus's love, courage, and the power of faith. The "Jesus is a Superhero" program helped them see Jesus not just as a historical figure, but as a living, powerful presence in their lives.

One of the most touching moments was seeing the children's reactions to the stories. Their eyes lit up with understanding and excitement as they realized that they, too, could have a relationship with Jesus. The camps provided a safe and nurturing environment for them to ask questions, share their thoughts, and grow in their faith.

The Superbook team was hard at work in July, preparing a new summer camp program they released in mid-August. This involved extensive translation work, designing, and compiling materials to ensure that Sunday school teachers and Superbook enthusiasts have everything they need to continue this important ministry. Seeing the great work being done by different Superbook Clubs is incredibly encouraging and motivates the team to keep creating resources that make a difference.

We invite you to join this mission. Whether through sharing this story, accessing Superbook resources for your own family, or donating to CBN Animation’s Superbook ministry through the link below, your support can help extend this impact to countless others. Together, we can bring the light of God's love to children around the world, one story at a time.


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CBN’s impact around the world


Daily prayers for people across the country

In 2023, the CBN Prayer Center in the U.S. responded to 1.3 million prayer needs from viewers—recording over 6,500 professions of faith and fulfilling over 336,000 requests for ministry resources. Our ministry extends beyond phone calls, offering assistance in various languages and digital platforms.

Latin America

Highlighting testimonies of God’s faithfulness

Vida Dura or “Hard Life” stories are sourced throughout Latin America and produced in Spanish to reach a region with testimonies of people who hit rock bottom and turn to God for change. CBN has a prayer center in Latin America to support people through prayer and faith resources.


Help in Times of Crisis

When tragedy struck Israel, CBN partners helped war victims by providing emergency shelter, food, supplies, and access to counseling. Our team members also visited bomb shelters to bring hope, encouragement, and much-needed supplies.


For 30 years, CBN has been serving the people of Ukraine

CBN’s Orphan’s Promise continues to minister to desperate men, women, and children in Ukraine by providing warm clothes, winter shoes, blankets, flashlights, and thermoses. We were even able to provide some with generators.


Reaching Kids for Christ

 CBN partners are reaching children around the world with the Gospel of Jesus through Superbook, a Bible-based animation series. Through the free Superbook Kids Bible app, kids can watch Superbook, hear the Gospel presentation, play games, and more. They can also read the Bible, many in their own languages. 

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