Pastors Say Christians and the Church Can Thrive in Times of Uncertainty
As an unforgettable 2020 came to a close, there was much hope for a different type of year in 2021.
Yet, already, more violence has occurred and concerns about COVID-19 have carried over into the new year.
Pastors Jack Hibbs and Jim Garlow appeared on the Friday afternoon edition of CBN Newswatch to discuss how believers and the church can manage and even thrive in these times.
When asked about the prayer effort that went behind the 2020 president election, Garlow explained that we as human beings are impatient and we want God's response in 60 days or one day if we can.
"You watch. You wait. You'll see. God is going to rise in a way that we have yet not been aware of. So we're not giving up on that," he said.
Responding to the same question, Hibbs replied, "I do believe God is answering our prayers right now. I don't think they were ignored. I don't know what the answer is. He does."
"The amazing thing is as long as God's people are seeking his face, I think God's at work," he continued. "I am not discouraged. Do I love my country? Absolutely. But I'm a Christian before I am an American. But the truth of the matter is that with all that's going on, how about this. Give us an opportunity. Let's let pastors preach the gospel publicly for 30 days across this land. And preach the love, forgiveness, and the grace of God. Because here's the truth. The only answer for America today is in the pulpit, just like it was in the colonial period."
Newswatch is seen weekdays on the CBN News Channel.
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