When What God Gives Isn't Enough ... Or Is It?
“One of them, when he saw that he was healed, came back to Jesus, shouting, "Praise God!"(NLT)
tells the time Jesus was traveling and entered a village when ten lepers approached him. They begged Jesus to have mercy on them.
“Jesus looked at them and said, ‘Go, show yourselves to the priests.’”NLT.
As they went on their way, the Bible tells us they were cleansed.
While it is interesting to note they were not immediately healed upon their first petition, it is clear healing began the minute they encountered Jesus. Ultimately, all ten were healed, however only one of the men came back to thank Jesus. Not only did one come back, but the passage tells us he shouted his thanks and fell on his face at Jesus’ feet.
What happened to the other nine? Were they upset the healing wasn’t instant? Were they disappointed they had to go and show themselves to the priests? Maybe being cleansed wasn’t enough. They wanted more! Perhaps they, like many of us, simply forgot they asked Jesus for help, therefore forgot to thank Him. How many times have your prayers been answered, and you forgot to circle back and thank God?
We don’t know for sure, but we do know Jesus was not thanked for healing the nine. It is hard to condemn the nine lepers when I think of the many times I have forgotten to thank God when He promptly answered prayers and the many times I am not satisfied with His provision and want more!
I pray for healing for myself or others. I beseech God to help me or a friend or family member out of a situation. I beg for grace or cleansing. Time goes by, and sometimes I forget I asked. Sometimes when the answer doesn’t come immediately or the way I expect, it is out of my head. Not only do I forget to thank God, often, I find myself asking for more!
I remember a time when our third daughter, Riley, was just learning to talk. Her vocabulary was still limited, but she could convey her needs quite clearly. One morning I had to help with a project at our older daughters’ school. Riley had to come with me, and in my rush to get all of us to the school she missed a complete breakfast. My meetings went longer than expected, and I neglected to pack snacks to hold her over until lunch. Over and over she said, “Eat!” “Eat!” Unfortunately, I didn’t have my purse so I didn’t have cash.
I remembered my sentimental silver 50-cent piece. Years before, my father had given it to me, and I kept it tucked away in a special compartment in my car. As I vacillated between parting with my beloved possession and my beloved daughter’s wellbeing, I reluctantly decided I had no choice but to spend my 50-cent piece on a package of crackers!
Riley was satisfied and while she didn’t quite have the words to thank me, I knew she was grateful. That is until half way through her first cracker, the next word came out of her full mouth, “Juice!” “Juice!”
Like my daughter, why am I always asking for more? Why do I forget to be thankful? Why can’t I be satisfied and grateful for the abundant blessings God has provided?
My desire is to be like the man who shouts my thanks and falls on my face at Jesus’ feet! I pray I will be mindful of the psalmist’s words,
“Acknowledge that the Lord is God! He made us, and we are His. We are His people, the sheep of His pasture. Enter His gates with thanksgiving; go into His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him and praise His name.”NLT
Copyright © 2017 Anne Ferrell Tata. Used by permission.