The End of Pay to Slay? Senate 'Very Supportive' of Taylor Force Act, Hopes to Pass it Soon
The Senate could soon pass a bill designed to pressure the Palestinian Authority to stop giving money to terrorists and their families, including US taxpayer dollars – a policy known as "pay to slay."
The measure is known as the Taylor Force Act.
The act is named after Army veteran Taylor Force, who was stabbed to death in a terrorist attack in Tel Aviv two years ago.
While the Force family mourned the death of their son, the terrorist's family received compensation from the Palestinian Authority for the attack.
Some of that compensation includes a pension for life, free tuition, free health insurance, free clothing allowance and a free monthly stipend.
According to the Hill, the PA budgeted $350 million to reward terrorism, around $160 million for jailed and released terrorists, plus an additional $190 million for the family members of the terrorists.
The measure would stop the $300 million a year that the US sends as aid to PA, the New York Daily News reports.
The House already passed the measure, but some senators disagree about parts of the bill, including how much money should be preserved for humanitarian aid.
It's possible the bill won't be passed as a standalone measure. Instead, it will be part of an overall spending bill next week.
Either way, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told CBN News this week, "We're very supportive of the Taylor Force Act and I hope we'll be able to enact that into law one way or the other in the very near future."
President Donald Trump promises to sign the bill once it is passed.