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For EPA Administrator, Fellowship with 'Faith-Focused' Cabinet Members Is a 'Wonderful Thing'

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WASHINGTON - As the man in charge of the Environmental Protection Agency, Scott Pruitt has spent his first year in office working to stop and reverse the downpour of regulations issued under the Obama administration. It's a big task and Pruitt says he's encouraged by his fellow Cabinet members.

"Look, the camaraderie of my fellow Cabinet members is outstanding," Pruitt said during a recent interview with CBN News.

He's one of President Donald Trump's Cabinet members who sponsors and attends a weekly Cabinet Bible study led by Ralph Drollinger, president and founder of Capitol Ministries.

Having time to fellowship with his colleagues who are working to live their faith, Puritt says, is "wonderful."

"To be encouraged, to pray, to basically – each of us are dealing with large issues – and so to spend time with a friend, a colleague, a person who has a faith focus on how we do our job, whether it's through prayer or through God's Word, and to encourage one another in that regard is so, so important and we have that in our Cabinet and it's such a wonderful thing," he told CBN News.

He says the Cabinet Bible study also encourages members' spouses.

"I'll tell you, our wives, our spouses are, I think, encouraged by that as well, and we've had those kinds of meetings as couples and that's been equally helpful and beneficial," he said.

Pruitt sees this as a critical time in history.

"There's never been more of a threat to liberty, to what we know as the protections that are inherent in our Constitution than what we live today," he told CBN News.

The Bible, he says, encourages him to make the most of the opportunity he's been given today.

"There's a verse in Ecclesiastes that comes to mind that says, 'Do not say, "Why were the old days better than these?" It's unwise to say such a thing,' " he recalls. "You and I have the ability to impact the cause of liberty, impact the American experiment, impact what they began then today." 


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As Senior Washington Correspondent for CBN News, Jennifer covers the intersection of faith and politics - often producing longer format stories that dive deep into the most pressing issues facing Americans today. A 20-year veteran journalist, Jennifer has spent most of her career covering politics, most recently at the White House as CBN's chief White House Correspondent covering the Obama and Trump administrations. She's also covered Capitol Hill along with a slew of major national stories from the 2008 financial crisis to the 2020 coronavirus pandemic and every election in between. Jennifer