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Recent Devotionals

When I read Psalm 23 and think about the Lord being our shepherd, I often think of my grandmother's…
Do you know today that you can put all your trust in God? Maybe you, too, have asked yourself, Who…
Sometimes the ordinary things of this world lead us to feel that we no longer have the strength to…
Have you ever found yourself in a prayer rut? Or feeling like you're praying for the same things…
If you are in a dark season of unanswered prayer, sad or angry or concerned because of situations…
So often we may fall into the trap of seeking the power of the Holy Spirit instead of first seeking…
In God’s eyes, you and I are worth more than any other facet of the created realm. No matter the…
There’s a method to packing for a trip. Yet sometimes, different types of trips necessitate…
In Psalm 1, the psalmist compares the godly to trees planted by the riverbank. With the constant…
Experience remarkable peace from the Holy Spirit when you worship the Lord in the midst of your…
We don't have to lose our joy when troubling times surround us. It can be so easy to lose our joy,…
The early church addressed a crucial question that's relevant throughout time: What does God…
Are you weary from the relentless pursuit of perfection and the sting of self-criticism? Be…
Many Christians have been taught that tribulations are not for God's children, failing to realize…
Celebrating Independence Day in America suggests imagery of red, white, and blue with hot dogs and…
The freedoms we celebrate on Independence Day were provided to us through the sacrifice of many. As…