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Recent Devotionals

Before the dawning of time, God created a destiny for each one of us. He has provided everything we…
hiker at a fork in the road
Every part of our day is dictated by our choices and decisions: what we eat, how we live, our…
Living in a fallen world means that we will experience all kinds of affliction. Thankfully, the…
girl in meadow
In a society where busyness is praised and to-do lists are long, how can we take the time to rest?…
Choosing to follow Jesus and be His disciple is a never-ending journey of becoming less like the…
This author started praying for the salvation of two childhood friends. So far, the results for…
man holding bible
Maybe today, an interruption in your schedule will allow someone to receive a breakthrough in their…
Two months into marriage, God called us to leave everything—family, friends, and the life we knew—…
Every journey begins with a starting point, and each destination has a place you aim to reach.…
sheep in a meadow
It's safe to say conflict can be common in our relationships, but so is reconciliation. It's…
teen reading the Bible
Faith pays off. Incredible, daring, adventurous faith in the name of pursuing God’s Kingdom will…
Prayer's such an important part of a Christian's life. Perhaps you'd like to know if you are doing…
man in a hurry
Peace belongs to all of us who love Christ. However, so many of us are busy doing instead of being…
Jesus tells us that we will have troubles in this life. So, if troubles and difficulties are…
Have you ever watched an ant pile (hopefully not after you've stepped in it)? Ants work in…
One of the most incredible aspects of being a parent is experiencing events for the first time…