When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. (Matthew 9:36, NIV)
In this passage of Scripture, we see miracles take place. Jesus had been speaking to some of John’s disciples (v. 14), answering questions, when suddenly His teaching flow was interrupted in v. 18, while He was still talking…
This is the first of a string of interruptions Matthew tells us about from v. 18, right up to v. 35. Jesus encounters sick, broken, blind, possessed, and even dead people in these 17 verses, each story coming hot on the heels of the one before. And yet each moment, Jesus continues to take the time not only to address the issue, but to truly see the person standing in front of Him. Even after all of these miraculous encounters, Jesus’ heart remains compassionate (v. 36).
I wonder how we would be after all of this. Sometimes I can feel exhausted by long office calls or meetings, let alone a conveyor-belt of people in need. In our humanity we can become so fatigued with the needs we see—whether on the news, walking down the street, or even as a parent as you rock your little one back to sleep at 3 a.m. And yet despite the constant needs, and several interruptions to His day, Jesus remained compassionate toward the crowds He saw before Him.
We may think that because Jesus is God, this came naturally to Him, whereas we are not God. But we have the Holy Spirit within us… that is the fullness of God’s indwelling. We have access, through Christ, to the same power that we see on display in these verses. The same power to stay filled with compassion—even when our attention, energy, and time are stretched in every direction.
What if Jesus had dismissed these interruptions?
Well, that means that the synagogue leader’s daughter would have remained dead; the woman with the issue of blood would have kept on bleeding. It means the blind would remain in darkness and the demon-possessed would stay bound. These miracles, these breakthroughs, followed the obedience of Jesus in allowing Himself to be interrupted.
Maybe today, an interruption in your schedule will allow someone to receive a breakthrough in their life. Are we willing to press “pause” on our agendas to open up to the miracle waiting on the other side of our obedience and compassion?
Scripture is quoted from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.