Your Divine Destiny Revealed
Before the dawning of time, God created a destiny for each one of us. He has provided everything we need to fulfill it! But because Satan is shrewd and astutely aware that the fulfillment of our calling determines his ultimate demise, this evil deceiver bent on our destruction does all he can to prevent mankind from accomplishing God’s will. Scripture warns us not to be ignorant of his schemes but to put on the full, protective armor God has provided for His Christian soldiers, and to go on the offensive, expertly wielding our spiritual weapons against him (Ephesians 6:10-20). We are at war, and too many Christians know how to cry out to God but have no idea how to assault the enemy! God rebuked Moses as the Egyptians bore down on the Israelites, saying,
“Why do you cry to Me? ... Lift up your rod, and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it. And the children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea!” (Exodus 14:15-16 NKJV)
God has given us authority over serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy. With divine power, God enables us to overcome the wicked one with the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God to claim our destiny! It is not without discernment, pain, and evil resistance that God’s plan for us comes to pass, but God promises to bring victory as we stand shoulder to shoulder with Him in obedience, commitment, and love!
Dreams Can Confirm God’s Providence
Destinies can be born of dreams and visions initiated by God. These are certainly not everyday dreams! They are spiritual experiences rooted deep in our hearts, accompanied by faith and absolute confidence that what we envisioned will come to pass. In Genesis, Joseph is well-known but not well-liked for his prophetic dreams. His brothers hated and envied him after he disclosed his lofty vision for the future. However, his divine assurance that God had spoken sustained him through the years of cruelty he was forced to endure. Thrown into a pit, kidnapped by Ishmaelites, taken to Egypt as a slave, assaulted by Potiphar’s wife, falsely accused, betrayed, thrown into prison, and forgotten, his destiny was disintegrating into a mere delusion before his eyes. However, the tide turned when Pharaoh had a dream that only Joseph was able to interpret. Suddenly he was catapulted to the most prominent position in all of Egypt. What the enemy had meant for evil, God turned to good. His destiny was coming to pass! It is not unusual to go through severe testing preceding promotion and the fulfillment of God’s preordained plan. Like Joseph, the key to attaining our destiny is a heart of faith and obedience toward God.
Anointed Blessings Birth Destinies
The call on each of our lives is specific and vital and one that no other can fulfill. In Genesis 48:19, Jacob’s blessing on Joseph’s sons affirmed God’s sovereignty of choice and grace. But Joseph was disturbed. As he watched, Jacob crossed his arms to place his left hand, the one with lesser anointing, on Manasseh, Joseph’s elder son, and his right hand, which had a more powerful blessing and anointing, on Ephraim, the younger. Joseph protested, but Jacob continued his blessing regarding Manasseh.
“He also shall be great,” he affirmed, “but truly his younger brother shall be greater than he, and his descendants shall become a multitude of nations.” (Genesis 48:19)
Blessings set destinies in place that cannot be changed. What is spoken under the anointing will stand.
Scripture is quoted from the Holy Bible, New King James Version, copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.