Silence the Haunting Melody of Guilt
She walked into the house, desperate to find Jesus. Her life had been filled with sin, guilt, and shame. The haunting melody of guilt had followed her, and had crept into her soul. But she heard Jesus “sing” a different song, one of mercy and forgiveness. His words taught that it was possible to turn from sin and receive God’s forgiveness. His actions showed that He cared for everyone, even a sinner like her. She understood the gospel and craved its mercy. She accepted its truth and turned from her lifestyle of sin and heartache. So she had to find Him.
This woman wanted to thank Jesus and show just how much she loved Him and the restoration He gave. When she found Jesus in the house, she knelt at His feet and wept. Her anguished soul found hope in the Savior. She dried His feet with her hair and anointed them with costly oil. This was her gift of love to Him, but not everyone understood it.
In this house full of religious people, guilt’s eerie melody started again, and the host of the home sang it.
“Now when the Pharisee who had invited Him saw this, he spoke to himself, saying, ‘This Man, if He were a prophet, would know who and what manner of woman this is who is touching Him, for she is a sinner.’” Luke 7:39 NKJV*
Jesus answered the man with a story of two debtors. Both owed a creditor money, one a small sum and the other ten times that. Both debts were forgiven. Jesus asked the host who would love the creditor more. The Pharisee’s answer was the debtor who had been forgiven more.
Then Jesus directed His song of mercy and forgiveness to the woman:
“Your sins are forgiven” (
) and “Your faith has saved you. Go in peace” ( ).
Does the haunting melody of guilt follow you wherever you go? Does it steal your joy and keep you from drawing close to God? Have you heard any of guilt’s lyrics before?
- You can’t draw close to God—you are too sinful.
- How many times have you given in to the same sin?
- You’re not good enough for God to love you.
Jesus’ forgiveness silenced the melody of guilt for this woman in the Bible, and He can silence it for us. What lyrics are in Jesus’ song?
“As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love” (
).“I have come as a light into the world, that whoever believes in Me should not abide in darkness” (
).“There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit” (
Drown out guilt’s negative lyrics with God’s truths and promises. Implement these strategies to silence guilt and move forward with God in freedom and joy.
The Strategies
- Drown out guilt’s haunting melody with God’s song of love and forgiveness. Read Scripture to remember your reality in Christ—you are forgiven ( ), loved ( ), accepted ( ), and commissioned ( ).
- Move past the consciousness of your sin to drawing close to God ( ). God wants us to draw close to Him, and Jesus’ death for our sins makes it possible.
- When your past sins have affected someone else, make amends if possible and pray God will take care of that person. We can’t undo our past actions, but we can choose God’s ways from this point forward.
- Let go of the emotional turmoil that guilt causes, and walk in joy and gratefulness. In , God’s message to His people was to practice His ways and have joy—His joy would be their strength. Joy and gratefulness give us strength to move past our forgiven sins to following God.
- Rest in the matchless love that God has for you. He gave His Son so you wouldn’t have to suffer forever without Him. Find rest and peace in the love of God, and share His love with others. We can love much because we have been forgiven much.
*All Scripture verses are NKJV.
Copyright © 2017 by Katy Kauffman, Breaking the Chains: Strategies for Overcoming Spiritual Bondage (Buford, Georgia: Lighthouse Bible Studies, 2017), 13-16. Adapted for this website. Used with permission.