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Recent Devotionals

The promises of God are precious, and we count on Him to keep them. As Jesus said, we ought just to…
What does having faith in God look like in your life? Can you trust Him to provide for your needs,…
Often, it’s easy to think of the stories of the Bible as mystical or far-off, not something that…
Jesus caused a lot of shaking in the culture and traditions of the early church, especially among…
cars on the highway
When I was headed for a collision, Jesus climbed into my red car and it stopped spinning out of…
The ritual sacrifices of the Old Testament served a purpose but are no long necessary. Christ’s…
To have a cold or a sore throat for a few days is uncomfortable. To be diagnosed with cancer can…
Your story holds great power, and it has the potential to lead others to faith and freedom. Perhaps…
God’s Word consistently reminds us not to worry or be afraid. However, when life gets difficult, “…
hands praising
Long before Jesus' disciples asked Him how to pray, the Lord gave us essential guidance on praying…
Many voices will clamor for our attention—accusations, demands, and pressures from others, just as…
A great challenge is making decisions with godly wisdom, as Samuel did in selecting David as King…
carpenter sawing wood
“… Isn't he the carpenter, the son of Mary? Aren't James, Joseph, Judas, and Simon his brothers?…
Life can get busy, regardless of the season you are in. We live in a society that constantly rushes…
God doesn’t just call us. He equips us to do the work He has called us to do. Much of our training…
Where is our country headed? Is there hope for the future? This President’s Day, we honor those who…