Saudi TV Host Rips Muslim 'Hypocrites' over Islamic Terrorists
Saudi journalist and TV host Nadine Al-Budair has ripped Muslim "hypocrites" who say that Islamic terrorists "do not represent Islam or the Muslims."
The Middle East Media Research Institute reports that Budair, in a TV commentary April 3, said, "After the abominable Brussels bombings, it's time for us to feel shame and to stop acting as if the terrorists are a rarity."
She added, "Whenever terrorism massacres peaceful civilians, the smart alecks and the hypocrites vie with one another in saying that these people do not represent Islam or the Muslims. Perhaps one of them could tell us who does represent Islam and the Muslims...Don't these perpetrators emerge from our environment?"
This is not the first time Budair has challenged Muslim apologists and hardliners in the Arab world. In 2009, she published a satirical article entitled "Me and My Four Husbands," in which she asked, "Why is polygamy (in Islam) only for men?"
Al-Budair's work has long been attacked by Muslim leaders, some of whom have called her "Satan's secretary."
Sheikh Abdallah Al-Muni, a member of the Saudi Senior Clerics Council, has called to put her on trial for making statements in contradiction to the Koran and the teachings of the Sunna.
Watch her commentary in Arabic with English subtitles here.