'Free Burma Rangers' Build Secret Hospitals in Jungles of Myanmar as Regime Bombs Medical Sites
Jungles of KARENI STATE, Burma – In the midst of a brutal civil war, a hospital hidden in the Myanmar jungle is providing lifesaving care to those caught in the crossfire. CBN News visited this secret facility where the volunteer staff faces constant threats.
In Myanmar, the long-running conflict between the military rulers and ethnic minorities has intensified. Amidst the chaos, humanitarians known as the Free Burma Rangers provide critical medical care to those in need.
CBN News was given access to the hidden hospital deep in the jungle in Kareni State. The reason it's hidden is because the Burmese Army makes a habit of bombing hospitals, even civilian ones. This particular hospital was partially funded by the Free Burma Rangers. And they are doing everything they can to keep it hidden to the point where we had to hike in here for about 15 minutes through the forest instead of driving up here so that the regime can't find it as well.
Dave Eubank, the founder of the Free Burma Rangers, told us, "We're now in Karenni State at a little hospital we call Dr. Luca's Hospital or Luke's Hospital. And here is a life-saving place. Hundreds of people have come here shot and wounded, especially since the coup. Every hospital I know of in Kearney State has been bombed and destroyed, including the hospital this started at."
Before we could finish this interview, two gravely wounded Karenni men were brought in and workers sprang into action.
"Joe! Joe! We've got wounded here!" Eubank announced.
The all-volunteer staff work under great personal risk to treat the wounded and sick in the midst of war. Among them is Tom Avery, a German surgeon who felt called to use his skills for those in need.
"In the recent years, I always had it in my heart, this strong desire to do this type of work. Just couldn't find the right opportunity – and also not the right organization for me – which would combine Christian faith and humanitarian work. And after praying and after thinking about it a long time, it just seemed the right fit. And I have not regretted my decision since then."
During our visit, enemy scout planes flew over looking for the hospital each day, giving our team a taste of what life is like for civilians here.
The military regime's army then called in fighter jets, forcing us to take shelter in a drainage ditch. That's when the bombs dropped, narrowly missing our group.
"Thank you Jesus, please help them miss again," Eubank prayed.
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There's a growing need for medical care as consistent bombing drives more villagers from their homes. Eubank's group is now helping fund a second hospital, also hidden in the jungle.
Hospital Administrator Linn Lizho said, "The Free Burma Rangers gave us so much help you know. The female ward over there was donated by the Free Burma Rangers."
As the civil war here continues, the Burmese Army is losing ground to a unified front of militias and defectors, and hospitals like this one are a desperately needed lifeline for families displaced by the conflict.
Lizho said, "I would like to thank everyone who is helping us. You know, living in the jungle and working in the jungle to save a life is very difficult without your support, you know."