Jesus and Surfing? Finding God in the Waves
PENSACOLA, Fla.-- Decades after The Beach Boys sang "Catch a Wave," the sport of surfing is as popular as ever.
That's why so many want-to-be surfers, including CBN's Wendy Griffith, have traveled to the white sandy beaches of Pensacola to learn to ride the waves at Innerlight Surf Camp. But this is no ordinary surfing camp.
Ben Martin is a surfing coach at Innerlight.
"Did you know that surfing is in the Bible? In the book of Acts when Paul was ship wrecked it said that they rode to shore on planks," he joked with the 40-50 surfers who had gathered on the beach for their morning lesson.
From Surfing to Drugs
Martin discovered surfing as a young boy. His natural talent led him to compete, and at one point he almost went pro. But that dream never materialized.
With his dream gone, he dropped out of high school and fell into drugs and crime.
One night, while high on oxycontin and alcohol, he flipped his car several times on the interstate. That's when he heard God speak.
"He said, 'You've been asking me to help you and I am, but it's going to be hard, but I will see you through," Martin recalled. "'I want you to go back to the scene of the crime.'"
Martin did return to the accident scene, was arrested and ended up spending three months in jail.
"I was on so much oxycontin that you die from coming off the withdrawals," Martin said. "I literally looked like a fish flopping on the floor. And He [God] came into that jail cell and it was like the woman who was caught in adultery."
"He showed up at my worst moment and he said, 'I don't condemn you go and sin no more,'" he recalled. "That gift of no condemnation gave me the power to overcome and he changed me in that jail cell."
After that night, Martin never looked back. He felt God urging him to use his talents to teach others the joy of surfing.
"He just gave me a simple formula, almost the ABCs of surfing," Martin said. "And with His anointing and His grace, I've been able to teach just about anyone how to surf."
"The best surfer is the one having the most fun," he added.
Jesus and Surfing?
Innerlight Surf Camp draws people from all over the country. Kelly and Jeff Cates of Dallas, Texas, say they love the waves the gulf shore provides but what they really like about Innerlight is the spiritual component.
"We didn't realize it was a Christian company or organization so when Ben prayed before we started, we were like, 'Are you kidding? This is awesome.' We just want to live here now and surf with them," Kelly said.
"So Jesus and surfing do go together?" CBN's Wendy Griffith asked.
"Yeah, absolutely, especially with all the jelly fish out there," she replied.
Jeff described what it's like to learn to surf as an adult.
"Well, when you actually get up, it's like when you're a kid and you're riding a bike for the first time," he explained. "You actually stand up and you're just...the wind is blowing through your hair. It's a great feeling."
Ben Martin is starting a chapter of the International Christian Surfers - Pensacola Branch. Below is a photo of the members...
Anyone interested in joining can contact Ben at
Twelve-year-old Sarah Francis of Pensacola told CBN News, "Ben has always helped us. He's always encouraged us to go to God. Instead he uses the surfing to also help with understanding Christ. He baptized us back in May, and he's just kind of showed us the way along with our parents."
Thirteen-year-old Zachery Gray of Slidell, Louisiana, was also impressed with the spiritual aspect of the camp.
"It was pretty enjoyable because usually we don't get surf like this in Pensacola. They tie a lot in with the Bible, like the leash you tied to your ankle, is like your life line," he said.
Zachery's mother, Rhonda Gray, said, "I love that I can still surf, even at my age. And it's exciting, and it's fun, and to be able to do it with my son is even more exciting."
Martin says adults have more fears about surfing than kids.
"We have to overcome all the fears of why they can't," he explained. "Fear is something the world taught us so when you break that, when you push through and see that you really can it's like where did we learn we couldn't?"
The Power of Prayer
Martin also eases fears about what's under the water.
"That's where I incorporate the power of prayer," he said. "I believe in the power of prayer and God has definitely kept me safe."
"We get sharks a lot in the water
We're putting our faith in action when we enter into the Gulf and depending on God to keep us safe. The good news is we're not on the shark's menu."
For Martin, surfing is not only a passion but a way to reach people that may never enter a church, with the love of Jesus.
"I really do feel like I'm serving the Lord when I'm surfing because it's a talent that He gave me," Martin said. "I feel like I'm glorifying Him with that. It's open doors for me to share the grace that He has shed upon me."
For More Information
Innerlight Surf Camps