House Report on PP Selling Baby Body Parts: 'Hardness and Callousness Toward Women and Infants'
"Grisly" findings have emerged from in a year-long investigation by the U.S. House of Representatives into Planned Parenthood's practice of selling baby body parts.
The House Select Investigative Panel released its final report Wednesday.
The investigation was made after pro-life journalist David Daleiden exposed the abortion giant's gruesome practice of selling fetal body parts in a series of undercover videos in 2016.
The footage showed the relationship between tissue procurement companies, including StemExpress and several Planned Parenthood abortion clinics.
The panel learned that StemExpress and certain abortion clinics may have violated the HIPAA privacy rights of vulnerable women for the sole purpose of increasing the harvesting of fetal tissue to make money.
The report also revealed that Planned Parenthood's claims that it made no profit were false.
"It's lawyers wrote that "(t)he affiliates have each performed a good-faith accounting of their costs associated with facilitating fetal tissue donation and have demonstrated conclusively that those costs exceeded the payments they received," the report said.
The report also details alarming practices involving the of selling of fetal tissue and issued a list of recommendations to abortion providers, which include ensuring that all donations of fetal tissue are made with informed consent, clarifying the law to ensure that abortion providers do not harm women in order to procure fetal issue, and ensuring that the Department of Justice allocates resources to prosecute persons or entities that profit from the sale of fetal tissue.
"It was an honor to chair the Select Investigative Panel. I want to thank my colleagues who are strong pro-life leaders and have worked tirelessly over the past year. It is my hope that our recommendations will result in some necessary changes within both the abortion and fetal tissue procurement industries. Our hope is that these changes will both protect women and their unborn children, as well as the integrity of scientific research," said Rep. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn.
According to the report, "the panel discerned a 'hardness and callousness' toward women and infants...'"
"Over the last year, the Select Panel's relentless fact-finding investigation has laid bare the grisly reality of an abortion industry that is driven by profit, unconcerned by matters of basic ethics and, too often, noncompliant with the few laws we have to protect the safety of women and their unborn children. I have never shied away from my own pro-life views, but the findings of this panel should incense all people of conscience," said Rep. Diane Black, R-Tenn.