Evangelist Benny Hinn Released from the Hospital
Evangelist Benny Hinn has been released from the hospital one week after being admitted for heart problems related to atrial fibrillation.
Hinn, 62 was cleared to go home late Friday night. He expressed deep gratitude to his doctors, family, and supporters around world for his medical care and the prayer on his behalf.
"I've seen the hand of God at work, both through prayer and the physicians," Hinn said. "God is faithful. My heart is strong. I have no heart damage. My arteries are not blocked. There is no arterial damage."
"The AFib is being treated effectively, and my rapid heart rate has reduced considerably," he contineud. "I'm feeling stronger every day. The prognosis is good for a speedy and complete recuperation, and I'm so glad to be heading home to continue my road to recovery."
Benny Hinn Ministries spokesman Ronn Torossian said hundreds of leaders and ministers around the world xpressed their love and support for the evangelists during his hospital stay.
"It has been a literal flood of tributes, well-wishes, and expressions of love for a man who has traveled around the globe non-stop for over 40 years," Torossian said. "I know the latest report of Pastor Benny's release to go home will be welcome news for all."
Hinn said he was deeply touched by the messages of support and prayer sent to him during this time from Christian leaders, including Dr. Pat Robertson.
"I've been literally overwhelmed with all the outpouring of love from around the globe," he said.
"Shortly after I arrived at the center, dear friends such as Reinhard Bonnke and Kenneth Copeland flew here to pray over me," he continued. "As the news spread, leaders such as Dr. Pat Robertson, Morris Cerullo, Tommy Barnett, Jack Hayford, Jan Crouch, Rod Parsley, Pastors Dennis and Eunice John, and Steve Munsey sent and phoned such warm greetings and kind words."
"Dr. Paul Dhinakaran from India, who has prayer centers around the world, called to let us know that all of his people were interceding for me," he said. "There are so many more than I can't name them all."
Hinn was admitted to the hospital for heart problems March 20 after an outreach in Brazil.
Earlier this week, the evangelist's doctors clarified that he did not have a heart attack but was being treated for atrial fibrillation, which affected the rhythm of his heart causing shortness of breath and fatigue.
Doctors had to shock his heart to reset the rhythm, a procedure that proved successful.
Hinn has been in international ministry for 40 years. He has been a guest on CBN's flagship program The 700 Club.