Best-selling Christian Author John Bevere Shares How He Was Set Free from Pornography
In a recent social media post, best-selling Christian author John Bevere revealed how he was bound to pornography even after he became a Christian.
Bevere, the author of 20 books, said his porn obsession began around 11 or 12 years of age.
"It was supernatural," he explained. "If there was any kind of porn, my head would turn right to it. It was amazing."
Bevere told the audience he married the most beautiful woman on earth and he thought, "this will take care of it."
"It got worse," he confessed. "Then I went into the ministry and I'm working for one of the largest, fastest growing churches in America and it's getting worse."
Bevere revealed how he was in charge of the guest speakers at the church and one day, he was sent to pick up a guy by the name of Lester Sumrall. He said he opened up to Sumrall while they were sitting alone in the church van.
"Boy, did he let me have it... like a good father," Bevere recalled. "I said 'pray for me.'"
So Sumrall laid his hands on Bevere and prayed for him.
"You know what happened?" he said. "Nothing. I'm serious."
"Nine months later, I'm on a four-day fast and at the end of that four-day fast on May 6, 1985, I got completely delivered from pornography," he recalled. "I am free today."
In the video, Bevere says he had a lot of questions about why Sumrall's prayer didn't help him. He said the Holy Spirit showed him his life up to that point.
"Prior to me opening up to him, I was scared that I was going to be judged for that sin," Bevere said. "I was scared that sin would cost me... cost me my marriage..cost me the ministry."
He asked God what he should be praying for. And he said the Lord responded, "to know me intimately."
Bevere said he then stopped praying to win nations for Jesus and instead prayed "God, I want to know you."
It was then he realized worldly sorrow focuses on you -- what's going to happen to me? What are people going to think?
"Godly sorrow focuses on him, Bevere said.
The author also gives this advice.
"If you want to be free from sin, it's not enough to be sorry," Bevere wrote. "You have to be sorry for the RIGHT REASONS. Worldly sorrow focuses on yourself. Godly sorrow focuses on not wanting to the hurt the heart of the one you love."
He also included this New Testament verse.
"For the kind of sorrow God wants us to experience leads us away from sin and results in salvation. There's no regret for that kind of sorrow. But worldly sorrow, which lacks repentance, results in spiritual death." —