602 Make First-Time Decisions for Christ at Youth Outreach in Louisiana: 'Great Move of God'
Hundreds of young people hungry for God packed out a football stadium in Denham, Louisiana last week to hear the gospel message of Christ.
A handful of local churches with the Eastern Louisiana Baptist Association hosted the GO TELL AMERICA Crusade in partnership with evangelist Rick Gage, founder of GO TELL Ministries in Duluth, Ga.
Leaders with the Baptist association said they felt a strong desire to reach people outside a church setting.
"The preparation for the crusade has involved much work and God has reached across denominational lines in our parish to unite His church in this mission," Rev. Leo Miller, pastor at First Baptist Church of Denham Springs told the Baptist Message.
"We agreed to unite in reaching the lost in our parish by setting aside political and theological differences. We are united in our common beliefs that salvation is in Jesus alone and the Word of God is our authority. What a joy it has been to pray together, serve together, and share the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ together," he continued.
Nearly 500 people were recruited to help organize the effort and another 500 were assigned to pray for the event.
Miller says churches worked together to deliver door hanger bags containing a gospel tract, DVD of the Jesus Film, and event flyer to more than 45,000 homes in the area.
Word got out and hundreds showed up to the Denham Springs High School football stadium from March 16-19.
The GO TELL AMERICA Crusade featured a number of speakers including Al Robertson,the oldest son of Duck Dynasty's Phil and Kay Robertson; LSU quarterback Garrett Nussmeier; Adrian Despres, former University of South Carolina football team chaplain and current speaker with Forge Ministries, and many others.
During one event, Gage and Freeman spoke to an estimated crowd of 8,000 people in 11 local schools for a character development workshop called "On Track."
At the end of the four-day crusade, 1,136 people made decisions for Christ, with 602 people making first-time decisions to accept Christ, Chris Palmer, GO TELL director of ministry outreach, told the Baptist Message.
"It's just been a great move of God, and it's an area that was ripe for a harvest," Gage shared after the event. "We're seeing pockets of revival across the nation and a great move of God among the younger generation.
Gage says he holds these crusades because everyone needs the opportunity to hear the Gospel.
"The need and urgency to evangelize the unsaved have never been greater," he told AN17-TV. "Life is brief. Life is uncertain. Death is sure. And Christ may appear at any moment."
"The last thing Christ directed His friends to do before He left the earth was to share the gospel with the whole world," Gage added. "Not only does this directive still exist, but we believe it is to be just as much our No. 1 goal in the 21st century as it was in the first."
The outreach has impacted many in the community, including leaders.
"To see the students fill the front was so amazing," said Mike Fielding, minister of youth with Live Oak Baptist Church, Denham Springs, and youth team co-chairman. "My heart was beating watching in real time as hearts were surrendered to a God who sacrificed His own Son for their sake because of His love for each of those students. I am still in awe."
Palmer told the Baptist Message the event really paid off due to the different churches coming together and laying the groundwork.
"It's really the body of Christ coming in, sowing the seeds, and now we're reaping the harvest," he said. "Jesus said the harvest is plentiful. We come in and give the message of hope and peace through Jesus and the hearts are just ready for it."
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