13,000 Unborn Babies Saved During 40 Days for Life Prayer Campaign
40 Days for Life Prayer campaigns over the last ten years have collectively saved 13,000 babies from abortion.
"40 Days for Life has been going on for ten years. We hold two nationally, internationally coordinated campaigns, one in the fall and one in the spring in conjunction with the season of Lent. So it is 40 days of prayer and fasting, of community outreach and 40 days of a non-stop peaceful vigil outside of local abortion facilities," Shawn Carney, President of 40 Days for Life, told CBN News.
This Spring 341 cities and 30 countries participated, making it their largest Spring campaign ever.
Over the course of the last ten years, 154 abortion facility workers have left their jobs because of support from the campaign. This year alone 13 abortion workers quit.
Abby Johnson, one of America's most outspoken pro-life advocates, once worked at the abortion clinic next door to Carney.
"She was the 26th abortion facility worker to have a change of heart and leave her job. We've really seen the hearts and minds be changed," Carney said.
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He explained that those who leave the abortion industry often need to truly break ties and also get the support they need.
"Usually there's a time period, of about six months of them leaving, where they're just trying to get away and we have had PP (Planned Parenthood) attempt to sue some of their former workers to try to keep them silent, they've done that to Abby, they've threatened that to many of the workers that leave," Carney said.
During this most recent Spring campaign, a mother who had chosen life for her child almost six yeas ago because of the support of a 40 Days for Life volunteer, attended rally, and so did her daughter.
Doctors had recommended that Rosa abort her unborn child because there was a problem with her legs. However, after meeting the volunteer and with the support of her community, Rosa gave birth.
She named her daughter Milagros, which means "Miracle."
At the rally they attended, Rosa held Milagros, who was born with no legs, up so she could sign the 40 Days for Life bus.
This Mom chose life at @40daysforlife vigil for her baby girl with no legs and 5 years later took her to the vigil. https://t.co/NEd4On05I1
— Shawn Carney (@CarneyShawn) March 30, 2017
"We've had legalized abortion in this country for over 44 years and it would be a very inaccurate and cynical comment to say, 'well abortion is here to stay and everybody has their opinion and its controversial, lets just leave it at that.' The reality doesn't reflect that mindset. The reality reflects that people change their mind on abortion and they only change them in one direction. Over the last 44 years the pro-life movement has grown and the discomfort with abortion is at an all time high, we have not gotten used to it. It's still one of the most controversial issues of our day and that's because of what it does," Carney said.