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Arab Language Expert: UNRWA-Funded Schools Label Israel a 'Foreign Entity' that Must be Removed

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JERUSALEM, Israel – Israel has officially banned the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) from operating in eastern Jerusalem due to evidence that employees of UNWRA were also Hamas members. Some of them helped to carry out the October 7th massacre and used UNRWA facilities.

But UNRWA’s connection to violence and hatred of the Jews goes back decades before October 7th, 2023. Funded by Western nations, UNRWA has been involved in planting that hatred deep in the hearts and minds of Palestinian children and indoctrinating them to hate the Jewish people.

“If you say that Jews are enemies of God's prophets, they are enemies of God," Arab-language expert Dr. Groiss told CBN News. "In a traditional society like the Palestinian one, enemies of God should be killed. And if the Jews are also described as devil aides, so they are all devil's aides, and this has had an impact on Palestinian kids' minds."

Groiss, of The Center for Near East Policy Research LTD., spent more than 30 years as an Arabic-language journalist. He has read and studied all the Palestinian Authority textbooks and teachers’ manuals from cover to cover. Those are the books used in UNRWA schools and taught by UNRWA teachers.

“If Israel took the Palestinian land and it's a foreign entity, and Jews have no past in this country and no holy places, the Western Wall is an Islamic holy place – al-Buraq – there is no other way than to fight them and get them out of the country, by this way or another way. And this is what they teach the children in UNWRA schools,” Groiss stated.

To watch the full CBN News interview with Dr. Groiss, click above…

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About The Author

Julie Stahl

Julie Stahl is a correspondent for CBN News in the Middle East. A Hebrew speaker, she has been covering news in Israel fulltime for more than 20 years. Julie’s life as a journalist has been intertwined with CBN – first as a graduate student in Journalism; then as a journalist with Middle East Television (METV) when it was owned by CBN from 1989-91; and now with the Middle East Bureau of CBN News in Jerusalem since 2009. As a correspondent for CBN News, Julie has covered Israel’s wars with Gaza, rocket attacks on Israeli communities, stories on the Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria and