Let God Speak
Does your prayer time seem a little lack-luster on occasion? I know mine does. God wants to hear from us. He expects us to show up and delights in the minutes we give solely to him. But once in a while it starts to feel a bit contrived and obligatory… going through the motions.
When this happens to me, I change things up. I let God speak to me, through me. Yeah, I know… you’re thinking, “What did she just say?”
When I’ve done the usual: praising, examining my life, sharing it all with the Lord and still feel like I’m in the room alone - I try letting Him talk to me. Based on many years of reading the Bible and getting to know God’s ways, I speak out loud to me as though Jesus were uttering the words. If we follow what it says in ">, this becomes second nature:
“Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus.”
It may sound a little wacky, but there have been times God has revealed a deep truth, brought renewed joy, increased my faith, and healed my wounded spirit through my own voice using His mind. says,
“For who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ.”
I simply give voice to what I believe God is telling me through His word.
But what if you don’t have the time or place to be alone and share a verbal dialog with God? Write a letter from the Lord to you. It seems that just the right measure of encouragement, wisdom, conviction, and peace will begin to appear on the paper as you allow your Father to speak intimately to you.
This is an example:
My precious child,
I am here. You are not alone. I have held you in my hands for all of the days of your life. I will move mightily and you will be amazed. Do not fear, do not doubt, trust in me and know that I am God. Be patient, I am working things you will never understand, and I am.
Dear one, turn your heart to me, and remember that I am not against you. I find you in my favor and because of where you are I will be able to move mountains. Do not question me, but allow me to work in my way in my timing. (Reprinted with permission from Ally Johnson.)
Your words may not be as beautiful or poetic as Ally’s but they will reflect your personality and God’s heart; the message a very private one, for your eyes only.
If you’re new to this journey of Christian faith and maybe don’t know too much about God’s character or what He might say to you, dig in and begin finding out. Maybe a book of Bible promises will help jump-start the process.
While the Lord cherishes hearing our praises and requests, He also longs to speak to us, saying exactly what we need to hear.
Copyright Diane Markins. Used by permission.