A God Adventure
What is a God Adventure? Joining God in an adventure that He initiates; that is so beyond your ability that you can’t accomplish it or succeed unless God moves in a powerful way. It’s trusting God when you don’t know the end result – when you can’t see tomorrow. Is it scary? You bet! However, my desire for the adventure exceeded my fear of the unknown.
Jesus said, I will never leave you or forsake you. Not just idle words – it’s a promise! (
) He also said He would NEVER ask us to do anything He wouldn’t equip us for.When my husband, Andy, and I felt God was calling us to adopt three sisters from Ukraine a couple of years ago, we felt wholly inadequate – we were too old, it cost too much, we already had four kids and we knew nothing about them,… and the list went on and on. Yet, deep in our hearts was a longing to jump in and see what God would do. We didn’t do it haphazardly – we prayed, we talked, we prayed, we talked some more, we listened to what God was saying to us… in our quiet time, through His Word and through trusted family and friends. We looked for signs of God’s confirmation. And, we tried to do it with an open hand.
One of the easiest traps to fall into is grabbing hold of God’s plan and making it our own. Then we’re not on a God adventure anymore – we are controlling something we’ve decided to do for God… instead of joining Him in what He is already doing and allowing Him to supply our needs and steer the boat. There’s a big difference!
Where are you at today? Is God stirring up a longing in your heart? Maybe you’ve already had a dream or you have a clear sense of something He’s invited you to join Him in. Has fear been holding you back? A negative attitude? Someone else’s negative attitude? A sense of inadequacy? Today – decide to trade your status quo for a real, live, life-changing, circumstance rearranging, character building God-adventure. Our lives are not defined by the abilities we have, but by the choices we make! So – are you ready to jump into the deep end of the pool? You know our lives are never quite as safe as we think they are. So jump in and trust God. It’s never too late to embark on a God-adventure.
Excerpted with permission from The God Adventure, by Terry Meeuwsen © 2005