Calling Down the Light
When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.’
Each morning I make it a point to request from God a ray of light for my day, a beam of divine guidance for my steps.
My prayer includes; “May your kingdom come, may your will be done, on earth and in my life, in the same way your will is done in heaven. Lead me to where you would have me to serve you today.”
I figure if God does in my life exactly what He thinks is best, if He places me in the middle of His purpose, then all I have to do is enjoy the challenges, tend the small flock entrusted to my care and say “thanks” for the opportunity to work for Him.
Yesterday, while I sat on the bench beneath the willow tree, I lifted my eyes and cocked my ears, listening for God’s voice. Gray clouds moved swiftly overhead as a cold wind blew down from Canada. Pine tops tipped, their branches rustling as if to whisper; “It's cold, boy. Go get warm.” As I opened my Bible, the dog pawed at my knee, begging me to take her inside so she could lie by the gas logs. I stroked her ears and told her to sit, that God and I weren’t through talking.
I enjoy my outdoors, buddy time with God, but in the winter His Garden feels more like a Popsicle than paradise. It’s here on the bench beneath the willow tree that I get my work orders for the day. I study each verse of Scripture, searching for promises, commands, warnings, praise, prayers and words of comfort. When I sense His voice whispering, “Pay attention, this is important,” I highlight the verse and write it in my journal. Then I ponder its meaning for me that day. I am the light of the world. Whoever follows… will have the light of life. Light of the world… light in the world… those who follow the light find life.
While I read those words yesterday, a ray of sunshine fell across my shoulder. The rest of the yard remained cloaked under the shadow of clouds but on my bench the sun shone, warming me just enough to remain in His Word a while longer and ask, “Who needs your light, Lord? Bring them into my life that I might reflect your glory into their darkness.”
That's all I need, really; God’s Will in my life, sun on my shoulder and His Son in my heart. The rest of the world may grow cold in their love towards God and each other, but if His light guides my day, there will be warmth enough for those I meet and radiance enough for my steps.
Today, ask God to shine on you. Ask that His will be done in your life; that His kingdom rule in your home and heart. Then snuggle up with the Good Book and listen to His words.
You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
(Today's New International Version)
Copyright © Eddie Jones, used with permission.