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In The Steelers ‘Iron Sharpens Iron’

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Alex Highsmith is a Pittsburgh Steeler, playing for a traditional steel-tough defense in a steel-built city! The veteran linebacker utilizes his skill, stature, and leadership to disrupt opposing offenses! Alex also disrupts the predictable, with a steel foundation to willingly embrace a soulful transformation that ongoingly impacts his life, his game, and what he brings for others! 

Question: “Iron-City, steel, foundation laid, crucibles, fire, turning metal into liquid, shaping and reshaping.  How critical for you, Alex, has that transformation in your life become?”

Alex Highsmith: Yeah, I mean, it's, it's huge. I just thank God that I'm not where I was before. And I just think that's the process of sanctification is an ongoing thing. It’s just an ongoing process, of wanting to become more like Christ. Just like the word says, you know, if we draw near to God, he'll draw near to us and when I start my day in the word and come into work, I have a heavenly perspective in a way to impact someone’s life, to serve him, serve the kingdom.”

Question: “From soul to your game mindset on the field. Is there a correlation and a connection?”

Alex Highsmith: “Yeah, I mean, I think, absolutely! I think just having the perspective that my work is my worship and going out there, it’s always just a reminder to me that He’s blessed with the talents and abilities that I have. The way that I play, the intensity, the passion, the effort that I play with – that’s my worship back to God.  So, I think having that perspective is key.”                                         

Question: “When you express that intimacy to him, how do you feel his back to you?”

Alex Highsmith: “Hmm. When adversity hits and it strikes in a game, it's easy to, you know, you can freak out and could be something going wrong or something like that. But He really keeps me calm and steady throughout the game. And, He’s intimate with me just in the game.”                                                                                                  

Question: “Is there a deep soul satisfaction that mirrors winning?”

Alex Highsmith: “Ultimately, nothing can truly satisfy us like the love of Christ. It is awesome and, and satisfying to, to win games in the NFL and have the goal of the Super Bowl.  We want to get to it, and we, and we want to win. But I think ultimately knowing as a follower of Christ that our ultimate satisfaction, uh, comes from Christ. Football is an amazing game, but it's a terrible God. If we put all our identity in it, it'll let us down at times. And so, continue to rely on him. Through the ups and downs of this game. What matters most is know that I know that I'm a child of God. Because of we we're followers of Christ, he gives us that drive and that passion to want to do great things on the field, go out there and make plays to help the team win.”

Question: “Alex, what do you think is most valued in contagiously bridging relationship with others, in being present with them unconditionally in both their struggle and their success?”

Alex Highsmith: “Just being intentional, uh, with others. Just the way that this business is. Guys are in and out. There are new teams every year. So, in some cases you only have a six-month window with some guys, uh, to be able to build a relationship with them, share Christ with them. So, I think just being really intentional with the time that you have, especially your locker mates, the ones to your left and to your right. I think God places those people beside us for a reason and ¬building relationships is huge. And especially to, to be a great team, you, you got to be tight.”

Question: “The locker cubicle on your left and your right. That's like loving your neighbor?”

Alex Highsmith: “Absolutely. Uh, and like every single day, just knowing that, you have a chance to impact them not just in a football way, um, and help them in way, but also from a spiritual way as well. God has made us to, to, to be in relationship. We're not, you know, the devil thrives in isolation. And so I think God going before us and knowing that he's already there.”

Question: “What is it about being a professional football player that has uncommonly rushed you forward for both a need and desire for divine relationship?” 

Alex Highsmith: “Yeah, I know that I've been given this platform. I've been blessed with this platform to be a blessing to others and not for our own personal gain. Something that, um, I always try to keep in mind. I feel like God is revealing to me, um, day in and day out, that's the reason you're here is to impact souls, you know, for, for the kingdom and to be a blessing to others.”¬

Question: “And when you say God revealing, who, who has Jesus Christ become for you?”  

Alex Highsmith: “He's everything. He’s my savior. He's Lord. I'm not perfect. I mess up daily. But like I said, ‘thank God that I'm not where I was’, that he continues to work in me and refine me. And so, but I just know that if it wasn't for Jesus, I wouldn't be where I am or doing what I'm doing today. I know that he's laid every step for me. I love how we always meet after the game and pray on the 50-yard line. We get the opportunity to go out to the field after the guys that we just battled against and just went to war against. We get to come together, uh, and deflect that glory back to God.”

Question: “What does that look like?” 

Alex Highsmith: “Being bold in in our faith is, is so important. One of my favorite verses is Romans1:16, you know, ‘For I'm unashamed of the gospel’, knowing that especially in this business and this platform, that it's not the popular thing to follow Christ. But we know that's the best thing to do. It's the best way, it's the best road, is through Jesus. That's just the mindset that we have to have is just to be unashamed, especially when trials and tribulations come our way. Um, just be unashamed.”

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Will Dawson is a Senior Producer for The 700 Club.