Unrelenting Cough Is No Match for God!
“I just carry on. Push. Push has always been a part of my life. A cough is nothing.”
Retired Army tank commander “Chuck” Fraga never was one to complain. So, when he developed a persistent cough in early May of 2024, he didn’t think much of it. However, over the next couple of weeks it got worse.
“It got to the point where it was just ridiculous. When I coughed it was painful; I could not walk or stand long periods of time, and I couldn't raise my left arm. It was affecting my chest. And if your chest is hurting, you're not gonna wanna do anything.”
The cough also made it impossible for chuck to wear his CPAP machine, so he couldn’t
“I was constantly just spitting up and coughing, coughing all through the night, keeping my wife awake. And it was keeping me awake. So, it got to be a pain. Not only pain in my body, but pain throughout my environment, because not only was I suffering, but my wife was suffering.”
Chuck and his wife, Asha, reached out to God for help.
‘“I sat there, and I just said, ‘Lord, you are the great healer. I trust you, without fail, you never leave me nor forsake me. Make me like you did before. Heal my disease, heal my cough, and let me feel better again.’ I was frustrated, but I basically just said, ‘Look, it's all in God's hands.’”
Then, on the morning of May twenty-seventh, Chuck sat down to watch the 700 Club, as he had done many times.
“I try to listen to the 700 Club just about every day if I can. I don't remember everything that was being shown that day, but I do remember the prayer because it was
Ashley and Andrew. And they started praying. Ashley did one, Andrew came back, and he opened up and said:
‘There’s someone who had a terrible cough for weeks, and it’s causing great pain on the left side of your body and your chest. I want you to lift your hands now, and God’s gonna take that coughing away, in Jesus’ name.’
“And when I did this, it's like something just came outta me. There was no pain. The pain was gone. I never had instant, instant relief like that ever. And all I can say was hallelujah, because I know that my Savior healed me! And it was totally amazing for me because all I can say is, ‘Thank you Lord!’”
The cough and pain, gone in an instant, never returned. Soon, Chuck was back to his active lifestyle.
“You can ask anybody who knows me. I may not be able to run the five miles I used to run in the Army, but I can still out walk you. There's no physician on this earth that can heal you like God. He was a healer two thousand years ago. He's the same today as he was back then and always will be. He loves us. He cares for us. He wants the best for us. And he will heal you if you fully trust him, fully believe in him and fully receive what he has to offer.”