What You Need to Know as a New Believer in Jesus Christ
Accepting Christ is the first step and a huge one! Not everyone has the same experience when they make the decision to follow Jesus, but all who sincerely believe in him and want a changed life can find it in God. Understanding what you've done and how you can draw closer to God in this life is important. He knocked on the door of your heart so He could come in ... and stay.
"Come let us go up to the mountain of the Lord. He will teach us His ways, so that we may walk in His paths." - Micah 4:2
When you asked Jesus into your life, you probably prayed something like this:
"Jesus, I ask you to come into my life. I want to turn from sin and living my life under my own control. Come now and live your life in me. Forgive me and cleanse me from my sins. I receive you as my Lord and my Savior. Amen."
Has the reality of what you did sunk in yet?
You Are Forgiven!
You're starting fresh!
The first thing God did when you made Jesus Christ your Savior was wipe the slate clean.
What was wiped away? Sin -- your disobedience to God which would have separated you from him forever. Everything you have ever done to offend God has been forgiven!
How can this be? Because when Jesus died on the cross, he paid the penalty for ALL your sins -- past and future.
Of course, God doesn't want you to sin anymore. He has put his Holy Spirit in you to give you the desire and ability to overcome sin. But if you should fall short, just admit to him your failure and turn away from sin. By doing this, every day can be a fresh start!
You Are God's Child
You've been "born again" into God's family.
When you accepted Jesus' payment for your sins, God's Holy Spirit came into you and made you spiritually alive! That's what it means to be born again.
Think of the awesome privilege of being in your new family!
Your new Father, God Almighty, Creator of everything has already made provisions for the rest of your life.
He has given you his Word, the Bible, to show you how to "grow up" in your new life with him. He has issued an open invitation to come and talk to him regularly in prayer. And he has created a family of brothers and sisters -- fellow Christians who will encourage you.
You Have Eternal Life
You will live in God's loving presence forever!
One of the most wonderful gifts God gives his children is eternal life with him. When you leave this life through physical death, immediately you will be with him in a glorious new life in heaven.
But the full, abundant life God gives you doesn't start when you die. It starts right now!
Before you gave your life to Jesus, it was like you were traveling alone, doing your best to find the right path. You probably weren't sure where you were going with your life -- or even exactly where you were.
But God knows. And his plans for your life include a specific, eternal purpose, one only you can fulfill.
Each day, let God guide your way. His route will be perfect for you. With him in control, you will discover a peace that is beyond all understanding in this life. And you'll have the joy of knowing you will be with Him forever.
The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.” - Psalm 32:8
Scripture references are taken from the New American Standard translation of the Bible.