Pray for America - Day 13
And this is the testimony: that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son.
DAY 13: "One Voice"
When we have exciting things happen in our lives—weddings, graduations, new jobs, births of babies, new homes, just to name a few—we naturally want to tell others. We share our news on social media, but we still treasure talking in person. It’s fun to share good news when we can see the reactions of those we’re telling. And once shared, your good news spreads from one person telling another, and, before you know it, your news goes in multiple directions with many others joining in your celebration.
That is what happened to the Samaritan woman who met her Messiah at the well in Sychar. In a one-on-one conversation the Lord told her to believe Him that the time was coming when true worshipers would worship the Father in spirit and in truth. When the woman mentioned the coming Messiah, it was then that Jesus revealed His identity to her. The woman returned to her town and shared her exciting news with others, urging them to come and hear for themselves. And when they did, we learn that they too believed! Jesus remained with them for two days, and even more came to Him and believed.
Just like the Samaritan woman, we should be compelled to want to share our testimony. Pray for revival to come to America and that all of us would unite together in one voice to ignite its flame. Let’s commit to telling one other person what God has done in our lives with such vibrancy and enthusiasm that our zeal will be contagious. Start off your conversation with the words, “I’d love to tell you what the Lord did for me...” and then be amazed at what the Lord will do through you!