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This Terrible Itch Won’t Go Away!

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Patty recalls, “My face would start itching. It had this crazy itching. It would be all over my face, on my chin, on my cheeks, on my forehead.”

It wasn’t a typical itch Patty Accoe began experiencing in February 2023. This was deep, burning and relentless. As if something was crawling under her skin.

Patty shares, “When I went outside the cold made me itch worse. Just so miserable and nothing seemed to help it.”

Patty went to two different dermatologists, but even after thorough examinations, doctors told her it was a simple case of very dry skin and prescribed her medicated creams typically used for poison ivy and eczema.

Patty says, “No it did not help my itching, it may have eased it for a little bit, but it would come back and be a very, very deep itch that I just couldn’t satisfy.”

Over the next 1 ½ years, the itching continued to plague Patty, disrupting her daily routines and even her sleep. Countless times Patty turned to prayer, standing firm on God’s promises for healing.  

Patty shares, “I’ve always believed in speaking health over my body. And so, I started talking to my face and skin, stop this. I said, Father, I thank you that my skin is healed. Jesus. You healed my skin.”

On August 9th 2024, Patty tuned in to watch the 700 Club as she did every day. That’s when she heard host Terry Meeuwsen share a specific word of knowledge that caught her attention.

Terry Meeuwsen says, “Yes, someone else, you have a crazy itching of your skin. I mean it’s your whole body. It’s almost made you psychotic from it. I don’t know what it is, an allergy to something. God’s healing that for you right now. You’re just going to feel that slowly dissipate and go away. You’re being set free in Jesus’ name.”

Patty shares, “And I just raised my hand up and said, I take that from my face. And it stopped instantly. There was no itching at all. It was just miraculous.”

Today, Patty enjoys life with no interruptions to the things she loves to do most. She encourages others to trust God's timing, knowing that His desire is for us to be whole and well.

Patty says, “Everything matters to God. The word says He healed them all. Get that little bit of faith and just believe, and don’t doubt in your heart, believe His word and it will come to pass. Because He promised His word would come to pass.”

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About The Author

Michelle Wilson

Michelle’s been with CBN since 2003 as a 700 Club reporter-producer. She’s an award-winning producer who’s traveled to seven countries producing life-changing stories on healings, salvations, and natural disasters, reaching millions for Jesus. She’s an entrepreneur and humanitarian who gives generously to those in need through Michelle Wilson Ministries.