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An Anointing That Made Her Tumors Disappear!

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“For Valentine's Day last year, the Lord gave me my life back. He healed me from the head of, you know, the top of my head to the sole of my foot. He healed my life.” Jane says. In the fall of 2023 Jane Beal started having health issues that took a heavy toll on every aspect of her life. She continues, “I was so tired. I was physically tired and my heart was tired. I was having very heavy menstrual periods, so I was feeling awful. They were involved blood clots and heavy bleeding and led to low iron.”
An ultrasound revealed several fibroid tumors on the outside of her uterus. Another was found inside her uterus and had grown quite large. Jane says, “The internal fibroid grew to the size of a grapefruit. And my, and I had four on the outside as well. And my uterus was hard. It was as hard as a stone.”
A biopsy of the tumors revealed they were pre-cancerous and surgery was scheduled for february 13th. Jane called her mom Barbara for prayer. “We just continued to go to the Lord about it.” Says Barbara, “Yeah. We did it over the phone. I did it privately. She prayed, we prayed I prayed. We just, uh, kept going to the Lord about it.”
Jane says, “I was asking him for a miracle because I wanted an instantaneous healing if possible. I knew beyond any shadow of a doubt that God could heal me. I just didn't know if he was going to, or if he was going to, when he was going to.”
What she did know for certain was that God loves her and cares about her health. She recalled Matthew 9 where Jesus healed a woman who suffered with a similar issue. “God cares about that. He cares about that.” Says Jane, “That's why it's recorded in the gospel, that the woman with the issue of blood came and touched the hem of the garment of Jesus. I believe that's recorded there because God cares about issues that women experience. They are issues of blood. I went to the altar every Sunday, and I asked people to pray for me that I would be healed.”
The Sunday before her surgery, Jane, once again went to the alter at the Father’s House Church to pray. She met a woman named Deborah who anointed her with oil and prayed. Deborah recalls, “And I just started praying over her and I could see the light of the Lord. She, she just, to me, she exudes Jesus. And, it was delightful. And she looked at me, she started to cry. And I said, don't fear.”
“Later in the night,” says Jane, “I was pressing on my belly and I did not feel that hard, hard distorted, large uterus. And I literally thought maybe it just turned deeper into my pelvis.”
The next day as she was being prepped for surgery, Jane says she felt the presence of God with her. She says, “No one was there. They like left me alone. And I was like, ‘God's with me.’ And I felt like this tremendous peace, like the peace, I mean, like, they talk about the peace that passes all understanding. I was like, the Lord is like truly with me.”
After surgery, Jane was released. That night, she looked up the surgeon’s notes and was amazed at what the doctor had written.  “‘We went in and we looked.’ right, they have a, a small, small camera that guides their surgical direction, right when they go in. ‘And we looked and what we visualized was a normal uterine cavity.’ And she said, ‘so then we compared to the ultrasound pictures where you see a fibroid the size of a grapefruit. And so she went back to look again’, and she said ‘There was no tumor.’ Instantly I knew that God healed me inside my body, that I was healed of the fibroids before I ever went into surgery. And that the doctor was the one who got to see that this was the same doctor who had biopsied pieces of that very fibroid in November. Tt was a miracle. I couldn't wait to tell people who had prayed for me, ‘Thank you for praying for me, The Lord heard our prayer.’”
“Wow.” Says Jane’s mom Barbara, “Jane was, you know, just over the moon and we were too. Praise God. I mean, it was wonderful to know. And she said when she called me to say it, she said, ‘Mom, I feel so special.’
“I feel special because God instantly healed me the day before Valentine's Day.” Jane says, “But just because somebody doesn't receive an instant healing doesn't mean they're not special to God. They are. Every person is God's Valentine. And God loves every person, and he wants to heal every person. Put your trust in him, and don't be afraid. And even if you're overwhelmed with anxiety and fear, the Lord is with you. He will never leave you. He will never forsake you. He's already rejoicing over you with singing, just like it says in the scripture.”
Jane looks back on her miraculous healing with joy that God saw her and loved her and gave such a special valentine’s gift. “I'm so thankful.” She says, “I'm so thankful that God healed me. He had mercy on my life, and he healed me from the inside out. that's the best Valentine ever. I'll take that, I'll take that.”

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About The Author

Rob Hull

Rob Hull has been writing, shooting and producing stories for CBN since 2008. His love of sharing redemptive, Christ centered stories began with video productions at his local church in Bellingham Washington before moving to Nashville to join the CBN staff. He loves the process of creating emotionally moving images that help tell the story of God’s love for people.