He'll Help You Unlock God-Given Dreams
In 2014, Joshua left everything he knew to chase after a vision God placed in his heart. Previously, he had pastored a church in North Carolina for six years that was in a small storefront which could barely fit sixty chairs, but in that small building they had some of the most electrifying services including miracles and conversions. With only two suitcases and very little money in his bank account he went to Minnesota to start a church. He wondered how he was going to manage pastoring a new church plant, paying for facilities, and covering his own personal expenses. When God first gave him this vision, he wrestled with it for two years before taking action on this God sized dream. “What I’ve come to learn is that when you have a vision and faith in God, He will always take you beyond your abilities, beyond your understanding, and far beyond the money you have. It’s only when you come to the end of yourself that you can fully walk in the manifestation of God’s vision for your life,” shares Joshua.
One day while praying, Joshua heard the Lord say, “I am sending you to the nations.” The Holy Spirit spoke the name of a specific European country to him. Joshua began to boldly declare that they would go to this country. He prayed any opposition would be removed. Shortly after his time in prayer, someone called the church from this same country with an invitation to minister there.
After visiting South Africa with his team in 2017, Joshua felt a burden and mandate for the country because of their hunger for the Lord. From the southern tip to Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana, and beyond, “The people there knew the Word of God, they were passionate in their worship and praise, and they were so desperate to see a move of God that they would pray all night or even fast many days until they had an encounter with Jesus,” shares Joshua.
One night, the town he was to preach in was experiencing power outages. The church where he was to speak was also in the dark, but still praying and worshipping by candlelight. When he walked into the dark building, he felt electricity hit his body. “The presence and glory of the Lord was there.” As he prepared himself to preach in the dark, the electricity surged on. It was the only building that had electricity in the whole town. It was during this trip Joshua felt the weight of the mantle God had placed on his life for the nations. He says, “I realized that I had this extremely big vision, a mandate and anointing that I couldn’t run away from, and a calling that required me to give up everything to do the will of God for my life.”
The Holy Spirit also revealed to Joshua over the next several years that what God placed in him is supposed to be bigger than he…which meant he needed to rely on God to accomplish the vision.
He says, “Miracles can come through prayer, some through fasting, and some through simple faith…Some miracles come from a place of worship, and God just moves sovereignly.” Joshua remembers one of the first miracles that God used him for was when he had a deaf woman’s ear open in a service he was doing. God told him to get some oil and dip his finger in the oil and then put it in the ear of this woman.” He quickly followed the instructions the Lord gave him. After praying for her, he removed his finger from the woman’s ear. She started screaming and saying she could now hear. Joshua said he was just as shocked as she was because he had never been used of God to do anything like this. As a result of activating that gift within him other miracles began to take place.
Another time, Joshua was asked to come pray for a woman in the hospital who was expected to die. She could not walk and was unable to even sit up in bed. Her family had been praying and fasting, but nothing was happening. They believed she did not want to be healed. When Joshua went to the hospital, he saw the spirit of death sitting on her. The Lord told him to lay his hands on the woman and command the spirit of infirmity and death to leave her body. The spirit left and the next day she was walking.
In 2023, Joshua was scheduled to speak. A woman in the congregation who had a condition for years was blind. During worship, her vision was restored, and she began to shout, “I can see.”
“God has designed His people to fulfill His Kingdom purposes in astounding ways, but many have yet to step out in faith and pursue their God-given dreams,” reveals Joshua. He challenges you to take the steps below to achieve God sized dreams in your life that are bigger than you can imagine:
• Write down what the Lord puts in your spirit as stated in Habakkuk 2:2. Then rehearse it and say it out loud so it builds your faith.
• Take measurable steps to accomplish your God sized dream, but take one step at a time, not all at once.
• Prioritize. Start with the most important and time sensitive task.
• Work from His order and not your own. “God’s order will not always make sense in the natural, but if you trust in the Lord, you’ll never be disappointed with His results,” reveals Joshua.
“You carry the solution, the clarity, the encouragement, and maybe even the demonstrative power of God that someone has been earnestly praying for,” reveals Joshua. One time as he was preaching in Europe, revival broke out and healings began to manifest. At the end of the service, he prayed for the pastor who began to shake under the presence of God. The pastor was overcome with emotion. He shared with Joshua that he had prayed for a move of God for over fifteen years. He declared, “God sent you as an answer to my prayer.” Joshua says, “God has designed you as an answer to prayer for others…you are called to invade and occupy a world that is in need of a word or answer from God.”
Joshua is the lead pastor of Kingdom Embassy Worship Center, a thriving ministry based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He is also the founder of Joshua Giles Ministries and The Mantle Network which is made up of organizations that reach abroad through apostolic centers, prophetic schools, initiatives, and training modules. He has traveled extensively preaching the gospel throughout the world to over 30 nations including Africa, Europe, Israel and the Middle East. He is also a media influencer and popular podcaster of Global Prophetic Forecast with over a quarter of a million downloads and subscribers. Government officials, dignitaries, national leaders, and business leaders have called upon him when seeking counsel, prophetic insight, and to hear the Word of the Lord.
Discover more about Joshua Giles' ministry at www.JoshuaGiles.com. You can also purchase Joshua's latest book, Mantled for Greatness by clicking the link.