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Fighting, Stealing, Swearing—Then Transformation!

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Kirti explained, “I didn’t feel loved at home, and I didn’t believe in god, so I didn’t think any god cared about me. I certainly didn’t think it mattered if I followed the rules of a so-called god.”

Without the sense of love or boundaries, Kirti often acted out at home and school.  Then her parents enrolled her in an after-school program sponsored by Orphan’s Promise, since they heard how well it had helped other children.

A teacher at the after-school program said, “She often fought with her peers and teachers. But then I used SuperBook stories to show Kirti who God is.”

Over the next 6 months, Kirti’s heart and mind were being renewed as she pondered the truths about God in SuperBook.

Kirti said, “From the story of Lazarus, I learned that if Jesus could raise him from the dead after four days and heal many people, then no issue I face is too big for Jesus to solve. Because of this, I started believing in Jesus and accepted Him as my Savior. So, I asked God to change my behavior. Then Jesus filled my heart with His love and gave me a new life.”

Her teacher said, “For the first time, she became actively involved in her studies. She was not picking fights with people, and she was a good student. God has really performed a great miracle in Kirti's life.”

Then she showed her parents SuperBook. It peaked her mother’s interest so much that she started going to church and praying with Kirti. 

Kirti’s mom explained, “I was amazed when I saw Jesus Christ raise Lazarus from the dead, and I was excited to witness Kirti’s transformation. God also answered our prayers for peace and love in our family! These miracles led me to decide to put my faith in Jesus.”

Kirti also shares SuperBook with children in her area and prays with them. 

“I love showing people SuperBook and seeing them put their faith in Jesus!” exclaimed Kirti. “And many people have been healed after we prayed together. It is truly amazing how God is using me and SuperBook to show them how much He loves them.”

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