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The Creators Behind YouTube Tv’s ‘Jesus Freaks’
Ally grew up in upstate New York, then lived in Charlotte, NC. Though her family went to church sporadically, especially holidays, faith wasn’t the main focus, and she didn’t take it seriously until her mid-20’s. She was involved in social media for two years before “falling in love with Jesus,” she says. A move to Los Angeles proved the City of Stars just wasn’t for her.
Ashley is from Nashville and a loving home, though not one seeking God in her younger years. “The Lord found me,” she says of her faith in Christ, which her family now shares. A few years out of college, she went to a conference focused on production with Christian values. It occurred to her that there were great Christian TV programs and dramas, like The Chosen, being produced, but nothing that showed people simply living life today with Jesus. Ashley talked to her family and friends about how to fill such a need, but the idea went nowhere, so she surrendered it to God. Later, she met a Christian gal named Ally Yost on Instagram, and they kept in touch. Ally had decided to move to Nashville, not knowing that Ashley lived there. Once they discovered it, the pair met for coffee and hit it off as friends.
The second time the two new friends got together, Ally made a comment about wishing there was a way to show people their age how to walk with God on a daily basis. Ashley couldn’t believe her ears, as that’s what had been on her heart for months. She shared her thoughts with Ally, and they started to talk about how to do it, assuming it would take place in Nashville. Later, they travelled to LA together for a podcast interview, and also spent a fun week touring around. The one week became three as both gals sensed the Lord direct them to move there, produce their series, and pray for revival. Despite Ally’s previous experience, in May of 2024, they packed their belongings and moved west. They planned and prayed, and formed a crew of 4-5 friends to produce a series they decided to call Jesus Freaks. In just three months, the girls and their team had produced five episodes, which debuted on YouTube in late December 2024.
The bottom line for Ally and Ashley is to point young adults to Jesus, and birth a revival, starting in LA, known for being spiritually dark. “We’d like to see many more ‘Jesus Freaks’ living everyday life to please the Lord,” Ashley says. Their strategy for the series is to vulnerably discuss how to follow Jesus in today’s culture, addressing everyday life, relationships, work, conflict, and any other relevant topic. They talk together and with
others about these issues, revealing their own doubts, fears, and struggles with temptation. Sometimes they
show mundane life, other times fun activities, all while discussing a topic that resonates with young adults. The direction each episode takes is seeking Jesus for one’s identity and purpose, as well as His wisdom and guidance. The response they’ve seen in the two months since Jesus Freaks was released has been heartening to the young women. Ally says it’s encouraging to see the pictures and videos online of people reposting it, schools watching it, etc. Each episode has received between 100k and 300k views.
Season Two of Jesus Freaks is in the works for this year. Ally says they are aiming at more episodes, and increasing their production value as they get to know more people they can hire for shooting and editing. Though the episodes are planned, she says, there’s always room for spontaneity and the leading of the Holy Spirit. Ashley points out that after the horrific fires in the LA area, there are thousands of people needing hope and that they want to reach them with the gospel.
To Watch 'Jesus Freaks' on YouTube click the LINK!
Ally: Co-creator of Jesus Freaks with Ashley/ lifestyle and faith-based digital creator / podcast host, Christ with Coffee on Ice / and independent singer/artist / Through TikTok videos, YouTube vlogs, and Instagram posts, it’s Ally’s mission to spread laughter, light, and the Love of Jesus through the internet to the world.
Ashley: Co-creator of Jesus Freaks with Ally / author, The Joy of the In-Between / speaker / digital content creator / Jesus lover and bookworm / Founder, The Tree, an online community of women to connect with God and His Word, encouraging and equipping young women to grow in their faith and reach for their full potential in God / / B.A., Journalism and Interactive Media Studies, Miami University / enjoys cooking, listening to music, fitness, and spending time with family and friends

From Dead To Life
“His physicality was slowly getting worse and worse,” Laura Ricker said about her husband’s condition. “He just couldn't stand up straight. He had never had anything serious like that before, you know, because he's so active. My partner in life may not be here. Will he survive?”
For many years, Darryl Ricker and his wife, Laura, have been strong advocates for physical activity in their community on the Fort Peck Indian Reservation in Montana. But a nasty fall while working on their home put Darryl’s lifestyle at risk.
“A Really strong wind came and blew the door, and it knocked him backwards,” Laura said. “He was on the ground and he had hit his head. ‘Are you okay? Do you want to go to Emergency?’ He said, ‘No, I think I'll be okay.’ I know that he hit pretty hard on the concrete. It seemed like that was the beginning of some things going on with him. He would say, ‘I feel weird. I feel kind of dizzy sometimes, and I'm a little off.’”
Shortly after the fall, Daryll got into an altercation while defending his daughter. He took another severe blow to the head in the fight. Again, Daryll tried to walk it off, but his health quickly deteriorated.
“He just was off balance,” Laura said. “He said, ‘My eye is all red, can you look at my eye?’ I looked, and it wasn’t right, so we ended up calling my niece in Wisconsin who is a registered nurse. She said, ‘You know, it sounds like he's having a stroke, get him to Emergency, like, right now.’ That’s when we ended up going to the hospital. When they took a CAT scan, they realized that he was having a massive stroke. It’s a shock.”
Darryl stabilized within two days and was released home to await an appointment with his neurologist, but that’s when things took a turn for the worse.
“He started forgetting things,” Laura said. “He fell several times. He couldn't even sit up on his own. You would look at him and you knew that something was going on because he would look at you with a blank look. We called the ambulance. They came, and they had to put him on a stretcher and carried him out. This is life and death. Everything was turned upside down. You're losing that person that you love so much, and you’re preparing for what you might have to do and then possibly a life alone.”
Darryl was airlifted out of the reservation and taken into emergency surgery after he was found to have a brain bleed. At the same time, Laura contacted her church and everyone else she could think of to ask for prayer.
“Prayers were coming from everywhere. We had people praying in different states, just rallying around us. It was like, ‘You're not alone in this.’ In my heart it was a tremendous feeling of comfort, like God was wrapping his arms around you and working through these people and saying that, ‘It’ll be okay.’
However, Darryl’s condition worsened after the first surgery. With his life on the line, Laura refused to give up and the prayers continued to flow in. Then a breakthrough – the bleeding stopped.
“Daryl came out of surgery and he's talking,” Laura said. “It was instantaneous, and I was just amazed, like, ‘You’re back!’ God sustained him and healed him. That neurologist, she called him ‘Miracle Man.’ She even realized that this was not normal, that there was something that happened. Something incredible.”
“I believe God did heal me, I really believe that,” Darryl said. “It was good to be with my wife. I think it'll take the rest of my life to thank her.”
Darryl was back home within days. He didn’t require any physical therapy and was able to start running with Laura again in no time. It’s been two years since his brain bleed, and Darryl is now stronger than ever, even training for an Ironman Triathlon. The Rickers credit God for his survival and use his testimony to encourage others within the Native American community.
“We are such a small population, but we have the highest rate of heart attacks, strokes, diabetes,” Laura said. “I honestly believe that God did this to help the Native People to see that there is hope. Darryl is a walking miracle, he should be gone. I'm just so thankful. Prayer is very powerful.”
“I am grateful for God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit,” Darryl said. “God had bigger plans than I even had for myself. I'm glad to be here, and I'm glad for this opportunity. I'll cherish it for the rest of my life.”

A Never-Ending Cycle of Stomach Bug Relieved!
Antonia is a single mom raising five children. She said her greatest challenge is finding water to drink. It mostly comes from this community water hole near their home.
“The water we collect is very dirty,” she told us. “I use a cloth to strain whatever water I can, but it smells bad, and it tastes terrible.”
Fourteen families share the water hole. When it starts to dry up, they scrape the mud, hoping for a few ounces of water once it settles.
“I worry because without water we can't drink or cook, and that means no food to feed my children,” Antonia said emotionally.
The water source is also contaminated.
“We get sick all the time,” she told us. “My children have diarrhea. My youngest daughter suffers the most. Even I get sick but I have to take care of my kids, no matter how bad I feel.”
Then thanks to YOU, Operation Blessing installed a new water harvesting system for Antonia and every household in the community. It collects rain water that is then purified and stored in 2600-gallon tanks. Now there is plenty of clean water for drinking, cooking and washing.
“Now I have enough water to drink and clean!” her daughter, Nayeli, told us joyfully. “I feel very good and happy.”
“Our life is much better now that we have all of this water! I am so grateful and happy,” Antonia exclaimed. “Thank you to the people who gave to help us have clean water. We are so thankful!”

Superbook Helps Pornnapa Teach Her Son About Jesus
In the heart of Thailand, a devoted mother and Sunday school teacher named Pornnapa has found a remarkable way to connect her son, Ekkasit, with the Word of God. A devoted Christian, Pornnapa desired to instill the love of Jesus in her son but faced the challenge of teaching biblical principles to children in a way that was both engaging and understandable. This is where Superbook, an animated series by CBN Animation, brought hope and transformation into their lives.
“My son is a devoted Superbook fan,” Pornnapa shared. “He’s been watching Superbook for a long time and his favorite episode is ‘Let My People Go.’ He was impressed by the scene where God was angry with Moses for refusing Him and asked Moses to choose someone else instead. He also likes the scene where the bush was on fire but not burning. He said, ‘If I were Moses, I would definitely run away!’”
Ekkasit often watches Superbook with his father on YouTube, and through these episodes, he has developed a deep understanding of God in a way that is suitable for children. “If I were to teach him myself, it might be in a language that’s hard for children to understand. However, after discussing the following Superbook episodes, I realized that he truly understands,” Pornnapa explained.
Attending a Superbook training session further enlightened Pornnapa on how to use Superbook lessons comprehensively in her teaching. “Coming to this training session has made me even more aware that I must seriously use Superbook lessons in teaching our children, not just watching cartoons.” With the addition of the SuperVerse and SuperTruth (a memory verse and main takeaway) paired with each episode, Pornnapa states, “I am confident that we have already planted God’s Word into his life.”
Beyond her own family, Pornnapa sees the potential to impact other children in her community. “Apart from using Superbook lessons with my son, I can also apply these lessons to other kids who come to my home. We know they will surely enjoy it, and children tend to believe in a childlike manner. We know it will impact their lives and contribute to the growth of the church.”
Pornnapa’s story is a testament to the global reach and transformative power of Superbook. It highlights how this animated series can bridge cultural and linguistic gaps, making the stories of the Bible accessible and engaging for children around the world.
Join us in this mission to bring the Word of God to more children and families. Your support can make a difference—whether by donating to CBN Animation’s Superbook ministry through the link below, sharing this story, or accessing Superbook resources for your own family. Together, we can plant seeds of faith and nurture the spiritual growth of the next generation.
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