UN Committee Says Taking Kids to Church Violates Human Rights
Making your child attend church could be a human rights violation, according the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child.
According to The Christian Institute, the new report by the U.N. panel shows concern about children being legally bound to attend church and worship services.
They recommended the government "repeal legal provisions for compulsory attendance at collective worship." The committee wants children to be able to act independently of their parents.
But David Burrowes, a conservative British Member of Parliament, says the report and those like it can be thrown in the bin where they belong.
"The collective act of worship is not an indoctrination exercise. It is recognizing and respecting the Christian heritage of the country and giving people an opportunity to reflect," Burrowes said.
"The U.N. should spend more time doing its main job of preventing war and genocide rather than poking its nose in other countries' classrooms," he added.
The report contains 150 recommendations where Britain could be violating the U.N.'s charter on the Rights of the Child, which includes the freedom of parents to reasonably chastise their children.
While the U.N. is concerned about children going to church, the number of people displaced from their homes due to conflict and persecution last year was over 60 million for the first time in United Nations' history, according to a U.N. News Centre report.