As Record Bible Disengagement Rages, Researchers Discover 'Good Reason For Hope' If Key Trend Continues
A new survey yielded results that could give Christians a “good reason for hope” when it comes to the Gospel’s impact on young people, according to researchers behind the data.
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This year, 54% of Gen Z adults (ages 18-27) agreed the Bible’s message has transformed their lives, up from 50% last year.
These results are captured in the first chapter of the 14th annual “State of the Bible Report 2024.”
The increase in support for Scripture’s message left Dr. John Farquhar Plake, chief program officer and editor-in-chief of the State of the Bible, with some hope for the future, despite noting the decrease in Scripture engagement in recent years.
“Our youngest adults show signs of interest in the Bible, curiosity about it, and transformative interaction with it,” Plake said, breaking down the increase in those who say the “message of the Bible has transformed their lives.” “If this trend continues, we have good reason for hope.”
On the negative front, though, the research found “there are more Bible Disengaged Americans than ever.” The State of the Bible found people fall into a number of categories when it comes to Bible engagement: Scripture Engaged, Bible Disengaged, or in the Movable Middle.
Tragically, the survey found 10 million people slid from the middle to the least engaged bucket, amounting to 4% of the total population, according to an overview of results.
“Now 57% of Americans are Bible Disengaged — the highest number in the 14-year history of this survey,” the statement read.
One of the other fascinating finds centers on race. White Americans’ Scripture engagement dropped over the last year to 16%, while black Americans saw their Scripture engagement increase to 28%.
The American Bible Society said black Americans also have higher church attendance and other “measures of spiritual vitality.”
Additional chapters will be released throughout the year, providing a lens into where Americans stand on Bible engagement and faith practices. Read more about the results of the study here.