Pro-Lifers: Supreme Court Abortion Ruling a 'Sad Day' for Women
The Supreme Court handed down a devastating blow to pro-life activists Monday by blocking a Texas law they believe could have saved the lives of countless unborn children and their mothers.
CBN News Reporter Abigail Robertson speaks with Concerned Women of America's Penny Nance, live on Facebook. Watch above.
The court ruled 5-3 against the Texas pro-life law that required physicians who perform abortions to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals. The law also required clinics to meet hospital-like safety standards for outpatient surgery.
But the justices ruled the law was an undue burden on women seeking abortions.
Rep. Diane Black, R-Tenn., a registered nurse and member of the Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives, called the court's decision a "sad day for women and their unborn babies."
"With the drop of a gavel, five Supreme Court justices have endangered the safety of women who may seek an abortion, and have ensured that more innocent, unborn lives will be lost in the process," she said.
"As a registered nurse, I know that there is ultimately no such thing as a safe abortion, but these modest standards work to reduce the risks of this already emotionally damaging procedure," Black said.
Black says the law may have put more of a burden on the abortion industry, but it did not burden women. She says it actually protected women's lives.
"The deep pockets of the big abortion industry may feel 'burdened' as a result of this compassionate law, but women are not – they are indeed safer as a result," she said.
John Seago, legislative director for Texas Right to Life, says the law gives abortion clinics a free pass to disregard women's safety.
"This dangerous SCOTUS ruling allows the abortion industry to challenge any safety laws by threatening to close rather than follow law," Seago said. "Abortionists shouldn't be given a free pass to elude medical requirements that everyone else is required to follow."
The ruling brings up even more issues related to the upcoming presidential elections in November. Many believe if the late conservative Justice Antonin Scalia had still been on the bench, the law would have never been struck down.
"Today's devastating news underscores the incredibly high stakes the Supreme Court vacancy holds for the unborn child," Rep. Chris Smith, R-N.J., co-chairman of the Bipartisan Congressional Pro-Life Caucus, said in a statement.
"Forty-three years ago the Supreme Court stripped away protection for unborn children and their mothers. Restoring that protection requires a Court that acknowledges the right of states to protect women's health and the unborn," Smith said.
Despite the disappointing ruling, pro-life activists say the fight is not over.
CBN News Reporter Abigail Robertson spoke with the CEO of Concerned Women for American Penny Nance outside the Supreme Court moments after the decision was announced.
Nance said although this is a "sad day," pro-life activists refuse to give up the fight.
"This is a very sad day. But it should be a day in which the pro-life community becomes even more resolute." Nance said. "We should be calling on each other to come to the polls in November to vote. We have to elect a pro-life president."
"We must go forward. We will not stop," she said. "Not just working to make abortion illegal, but to make it unthinkable."