Pandemic to Worsen the Epidemics of Porn Addiction & Loneliness
Continued lockdowns mean more isolation, which can pour fuel on two major issues facing society: loneliness and porn addiction.
Christian author Josh McDowell stated that even before the pandemic, “All research showed the number one epidemic globally – in every country of the world – was loneliness.”
It hits colleges especially hard with two-thirds of students feeling “very lonely.” That can be as hard on your health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day. Loneliness can also lead to higher rates of death, illness, injury, smoking, obesity and high blood pressure.”
Two other conditions hitting hard during these days: depression and anxiety.
All three feed into porn addiction.
'Huge Explosion'
“And that’s what we have during the COVID-19 time,” McDowell explained. That’s why we’re going to have a huge explosion of porn when we come out of this crisis.”
He discusses this in a new document called What Comes Next? in the middle of his Hope in the time of COVID-19 page on the website.
Even before the lockdown weeks, research showed high rates of Christian men and women seeking out porn online across age groups.
One Barna Group study pegged it at 47 percent of those age 36 to 60, 65 percent of those age 25 to 36 and an astounding 81 percent of those age 13 to 24.
Even 57 percent of pastors and 64 percent of youth pastors admit struggling with pornography.
Churches, Pastors, Congregants Need to Get Ready
Yet only a small number of churches – seven percent --have any anti-porn program. McDowell warns that must improve and churches should prepare to deal with more than just a porn problem coming out of this pandemic.
“The pastors better be ready to address loneliness, depression, anxiety and mental health,” he said.
But McDowell also told CBN News he expects many of those suffering from these issues won’t seek help from churches and pastors.
“Now, we’re going to see a resurgence of spiritual interest – not so much in the church, though. And we’re going to see a greater desire and emphasis on home meetings and small groups,” he predicted.
So McDowell is suggesting Christians fellowshipping in these home meetings and small groups need to educate and prepare themselves for both an influx of spiritual seekers and those suffering from loneliness, depression, anxiety and porn addiction.
Where to Find Resources & Info
“That’s why I put it on my website, how to deal with loneliness, depression, anxiety…everything,” he said.
Those visiting his website might also want to peruse his Ten Challenges to the Church, where McDowell goes more in-depth on these and many other issues plaguing the culture and the Church. There, he also presents his friend Ben Bennett’s helpful Win Mentally & Emotionally During COVID-19 .