New Video Shows Drag Queen Performing at NYC Church-Affiliated High School Chapel
A video has just been released to social media by a drag queen who was invited to perform at the chapel of a New York City church-affiliated high school.
The drag performer, a person who pretends to be a woman dressed in gaudy clothing, revealed part of his buttocks to students while wearing a skimpy mini skirt.
The New York Post now reports the incident took place at Grace Church High School which celebrates LGBT Pride as an independent Episcopal school.
The Iowa Standard initially reported the drag queen had posted the video to Instagram, writing: "A Catholic High School here in NYC invited me to their Pride Chapel. Visibility matters and I'm so honored to have had the chance to talk to you about my work as a LGBTQ+ Drag Queen Activist." It turns out the drag queen's post was inaccurate - it wasn't a Catholic high school but was associated with a left-leaning Protestant church.
The video shows the drag queen being introduced as "the queen of New York." As he struts down the chapel's main aisle dressed in a blue and orange dress, wearing make-up and a red wig, congregants on both sides rise to their feet, applauding and cheering for the decadent display.
Evangelist Sean Feucht also tweeted the stunning video, writing that "many think we're just overreacting" to drag queens being invited into churches and settings with children.
Feucht's "Hold the Line" group shared the video, warning: "The stakes have never been higher. The church must WAKE UP! #HoldTheLine"
Another Sexualized Display in a NY Church
Also in June, the Park Church in Elmira, New York, celebrated Pride Month by hosting drag queens at its Sunday worship service called "Worship is a Drag", according to WENY News.
The church, according to its website, is affiliated with the United Church of Christ. The denomination has been very supportive of the LGBTQ movement, even adjusting its logo to include the Pride rainbow on its Twitter account.
The church's pastor J. Gary Brinn is described in his bio on the church's website as "a committed anti-racist and feminist, and as a gay man who has actively promoted LGBTQ+ equality."
According to Brinn, the June 5 service was held to "celebrate Pentecost, kick-off LGBTQ+ Pride Month and come to Christ's table of love," The Standard reports.
Brinn's message that morning was titled "God loves everyone."
Yet the Bible teaches that Jesus Christ came to earth to die on a cross because of our sins. Jesus showed us love by taking the punishment for our sins. He never excused immorality, telling everyone, "Go and sin no more."
But on his personal blog dated June 6, and titled A New Spirit: 5 June 2022, Brinn wrote, "Just as there have always been queers, has always been diversity in gender expression and affectional orientation, so there has always been diversity within Christianity."
Jenny Monroe, the president of the Park Church council, told WENY-TV that the church's message is to be open and affirming.
"The affirming piece is the important part...that means that we affirm your choices of gender identity, or sexual preference, or who you love, or what you talk about, how you dress...all those things," she said. "We affirm who you want to be at church."
Earlier this year on two separate occasions, Park Church hosted a "Charity Drag Brunch" featuring several local performers, according to The Christian Post.
*** Correction: an earlier version of this story incorrectly referred to the NYC high school as Catholic when it in fact was associated with a Protestant denomination.