New March for Life Theme Proclaims 'Life Empowers: Pro-Life is Pro-Woman'
CAPITOL HILL – Feminists have always maintained they fight to make life better for women. Many think that includes insuring to right to abort unborn children. The next national March for Life will attack the very heart of that idea.
As they announced the theme for the January 24, 2020 march in Washington DC, a panel of pro-life women on Capitol Hill discussed suffragists and what many consider was just a struggle for women's right to vote.
Not so, according to March for Life President Jeanne Mancini. She told CBN News, "This is the 100th centennial of a woman's right to vote this year. And so our theme is very much related to that. So it's 'Life Empowers: Pro-Life is Pro-Woman.'"
You might wonder what the right to vote has to do with the right to life. A hundred years ago, feminists and suffragists understood instinctively that the two are both powerful and necessary. Women needed the protection that came from the power to vote in our republic. And they needed protection for the little unborn lives that only they could nurture and bring into the world.
So, as Mancini put it, "To be pro-woman was to be pro-life."
Serrin Foster heads up Feminists for Life. She explained, "What most people don't understand is that the first wave feminists were, without known exception, all pro-life. They believed in the rights of slaves to be free, the right of women to vote, and they believed in the right of women and children to be protected from abortion."
Gloria Purvis hosts the EWTN program "Morning Glory." On this March for Life panel, she addressed today's radical feminism.
"We hear a lot of lies, particularly about African-American women that it's better and more empowering for African-American women who are poor and struggling to abort their children," Purvis told CBN News. "And I'm here to say that's absolutely a lie. The way to solve poverty is not killing the poor, but supporting the poor."
That's why pro-life groups like Foster's Feminists for Life fight to solve the problems women often feel force them to abort their babies.
"To try to make life better for those at highest risk, who are most overwhelmingly the poorest among us," Foster explained.
And Mancini hopes to empower women to fight the idea that feminism is all about the right to abortion.
"And show clarity, show truth, and hopefully, lead the culture to a place where abortion is unthinkable," she concluded.