Evangelical Leaders: Make 2017 'The Year of Good News'
Evangelical leaders are calling on Christians around the world to make 2017 "The Year of Good News."
Harvest Christian Fellowship Pastor Greg Laurie, who organized the movement, is joined by Franklin Graham, Southern Baptist President Steve Gaines, and many more in signing a letter asking Christians to "share the message of Jesus with everyone they can at every opportunity they can."
"In a time of bad news, distracting news, divisive news, disorderly news, and, sometimes, depressing news we—as Christians and as leaders—want to recommit ourselves to making sure that the Good News of Jesus cuts through it all," the letter says.
It's a reminder of every Christian's job -- to tell people about Jesus.
Christians who want to add their names to the growing list of people committed to sharing the Gospel can do so on the website.
By signing they join other heavy hitters in the faith community like Joel Rosenburg, Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, and Eric Metaxas.
"We need a national miracle to heal our political, racial and cultural divisions, and that miracle is found in the power of Jesus to change our hearts," the letter continues. "Therefore, we commit to preach louder than our nation's politics, and we aim to make the message of Jesus Christ transcend the monopoly of our media."
The leaders believe 2017 is a critical year for the nation and Christians must not be silent.