'Drag Me to Church'? South Carolina Church Sponsors Drag Queen Event with a 'Unique Style of Worship'
So, you say you had enough when you saw that French teacher performing in drag for high school students in Middleton, Wisconsin? Well, get ready for more woke craziness – this time, in a church.
Trinity Lutheran Church of Greenville, South Carolina has announced a "Drag Me to Church" event featuring "Lady Douche"!
While it's not replacing a regular Sunday service in the sanctuary, the church is still sponsoring this event on-site, scheduled for a Thursday evening in the church gym.
I wonder if they'll open this gender-bending, drag queen performance with prayer?
The Trinity Lutheran Church Facebook page promises, "You'll be endlessly entertained as the Lady Douche leads us through her unique style of worship which includes as many laughs as it does amens!"
The announcement says the drag show is "about church, faith and God's inclusive love."
Yes, folks, churches need to be inclusive. People from all walks of life – rich, poor, prostitutes, drunkards, and homosexuals – should all be welcomed in. Churches need to be places where the gospel and Jesus Christ can change their lives, not where they change the church to embrace worldly ways.
tells us that, "Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever." He's unchangeable. He never bends with the culture. No one can change Jesus or the life lessons He has given us. They remain forever.
Folks, if this is how churches are hoping to fill their pews after the pandemic, they're walking down the wrong path.
Yes, God loves everyone, including drag queens, but he wants us to come into a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
It's not about being entertained by a drag queen, or anyone else. Churches should be holy temples – places where we bring honor and glory to Him, not to us.
How does a man dressed as a woman, strutting his stuff in a church bring glory to God? Isn't it really a slap in His face?
It's saying, "God You may be the Creator of the universe, but when You created me, You made a mistake – I really feel like I'm a woman, not a man."
It's saying, "I know better than God, so I'm creating myself in the image that I have for myself, not in His image or what God intends for me."
Remember, Jesus overturned the tables of the money changers who conducted business in the temple. So, how do you think he feels about drag shows in church? Isn't it disrespecting His temple?
Yes, Jesus did hang out with tax collectors, and prostitutes – not because he approved of their actions, but because he wanted to build them up and transform their lives, show them "the way, the truth, and the life."
He never condoned their sin. In fact, when the Pharisees were ready to stone a woman caught in adultery, Jesus said, "Let those without sin cast the first stone."
We Christians should never cast stones at drag queens or anyone else – we too, are sinners. But as followers of Jesus we try to be like Him. And that means showing compassion for people by pointing the way to godliness in the church.
So, like Jesus who told the woman he did not condemn her for her sinful act of adultery, we need to remind Trinity Lutheran to "go and sin no more."