Did You Hear? Black Unemployment Plunges to Historic Low Under Trump Economy
The most recent jobs report shows a dramatic drop in black unemployment.
The rate dropped half a point in May, to 5.9 percent. That's a historic low.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics says the gap between white unemployment and black unemployment has never been smaller.
Overall, US unemployment droppd to 3.8 percent, an 18-year low.
The great news for black Americans was buried near the bottom of the Associated Press' reporting about unemployment.
But President Trump highlighted the big news on Twitter:
Record JOBS DAY!! 223K jobs added. Unemployment is 3.8%, lowest in 50 yrs. Black and Asian unemployment hit historic new lows. Adult men and women, and teenagers, are at lowest since 2000. Hourly earnings are up! Tax CUTS are working. America is WINNING BIG under President Trump!
— President Trump (@POTUS) June 1, 2018
Wall Street expert Charles Payne also tweeted that 76,000 African Americans were able to join the workforce, making them the only racial group to see an increase in employment:
Breaking News
— Charles V Payne (@cvpayne) June 1, 2018
Black Unemployment Rate All-Time Low
What's really amazing is not only did the rate plunge to 5.9% from 6.6% in a single month 76,000 joined the labor force (the only racial group that increased last month) - really great news. #Winning
Others have also been celebrating the news on Twitter:
Thank You President @realDonaldTrump for making leadership decisions that allowed the Black Unemployment rate to fall under 6%..! The Lowest in History!
— Pastor Mark Burns (@pastormarkburns) June 1, 2018
Black unemployment, Trump's favourite of these numbers, is down to 5.9%, a big drop from 6.6% in April (this data can be noisy). The white rate is 3.5%. That's the smallest gap ever recorded between the two since the government started releasing the racial data in the '70s.
— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) June 1, 2018
Regardless of what your race is, you are are benefiting from the Trump economy.
— Corey Jones (@CoreyLMJones) June 1, 2018
•Black unemployment-5.9%
•Hispanic unemployment-4.9%
•White unemployment-3.5%
•Asian unemployment-2.9%
•Overall unemployment-3.8%
MAGA is for ALL people!#maga #kag #AmericaFirst