DC Library, Schools Host Pride Events for Kids: 'Never Been a Better Time to Homeschool'
The District of Columbia Public Library just celebrated LGBT Pride Month at several of its branches by organizing a "Children's Pride Parade" and festival on Saturday.
"All kids ages 0-18 are invited to participate and march in the parade with family or friends," a flyer advertising the parade acquired last week by The Daily Signal from the DC Library announced. Listed at the very top of the flyer were the goals of the pride parade with the No. 1 goal listed as "A Pride event especially for kids, many of whom are coming out at younger ages."
The Daily Caller reported those in attendance Saturday morning at Montrose Park included families, teenagers, children, and infants. Parade staff passed out paraphernalia, including LGBT pride flags, LGBT stickers, rainbow lanyards, and boomsticks. The parade staff also passed around makeshift pro-LGBT signs they said were made by children.
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The parade led to the Georgetown Public Library for a festival that featured a large variety of pro-LGBT content aimed towards children, according to The Daily Caller.
Several tables at the event reportedly held various items with rainbow-colored messages like "Love is love" and "Pride". One table also had an array of LGBT-themed cards and bookmarks and a separate table for children to color with crayons.
One bookmark even featured well-known transvestite RuPaul with a quote reading, "We're all born naked and the rest is drag," The Daily Caller reported.
Daily Caller Reporter Corey Walker attended the event and later posted several photos to Twitter. One photo showed the coloring material provided for children, including a quote from RuPaul.
There was a table with booklets provided by PFLAG. The books guided youth and their parents on gender identity and sexual identity issues. Some titles include "Our Children" and "Our Trans Loved Ones" pic.twitter.com/oS6gF60CMX
— Corey Walker (@CoreyWriting) June 3, 2023
Walker also tweeted photos of literature from Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) that was also set out on tables for children and teens.
"There was a table with booklets provided by PFLAG. The books guided youth and their parents on gender identity and sexual identity issues," he wrote.
Another display at the festival said that gender and sexual identities can change over time, Walker tweeted.
This display says that gender and sexual identities can change over time. pic.twitter.com/qXb957RF8y
— Corey Walker (@CoreyWriting) June 3, 2023
One Canadian School Celebrated LGBTQ Lifestyle with Teachers Dressing the Part, Drag Show
Not only were children being targeted for indoctrination on the streets of D.C., but some schools are also pushing Pride Month in very visible ways.
The noted conservative social media watchdog Libs of TikTok shared a video on Twitter showing how Pride Day was celebrated at École St. Matthew's School in Newfoundland, Canada.
"This is 'Pride day' at @StMattsTigers. The school was decorated in progress pride flags with teachers dressed up for pride. It also included a drag performance for students," Libs of TikTok wrote.
This is "Pride day" at @StMattsTigers. The school was decorated in progress pride flags with teachers dressed up for pride. It also included a drag performance for students pic.twitter.com/PDl8GUOrtN
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) June 5, 2023
Posted on Monday morning, the video has already gone viral, acquiring 1.1 million views so far.
Several Twitter users commented on the LGBTQ push to elementary students.
"Why can't teachers just teach," one user wrote.
Another commented, "This is sick. All these people deserve prison time for orchestrated grooming of children on a mass scale…"
And another user reminded parents about the benefits of homeschooling.
"There's never been a better time to homeschool your kids," the user wrote.
Gay pride events are happening at schools in the U.S. too. One such event at a North Hollywood K-8 elementary school sparked a huge protest by parents.
Parents a North Hollywood K-8 elementary school Friday morning as more than 100 parents rallied against a Pride Day assembly featuring LGBTQ+ symbols and teaching.
— David Croom - () (@dailycallout) June 2, 2023
Parents held up signs outside Saticoy Elementary School with messages that included "No pride in grooming,"… pic.twitter.com/7R6V9ogVFq