Christian College Thanks God for Victory in 5-Year Religious Rights Battle
In a stunning turn of events, and some would add an answer to prayer, Wheaton College won a five-year battle against the contraceptive mandate implemented under the Obama administration's Affordable Care Act.
On Thursday, the judge ruled that "the government would violate federal civil rights laws if it forced Wheaton to provide services like the week-after pill in its healthcare plans against its religious beliefs."
The Christian college, whose creed is "For Christ and His Kingdom," can breathe a sigh of relief knowing it will not be forced to implement procedures that support abortion as an option to a pregnancy.
The college ranks high among its peers and has received recognition from well-known publications such as Forbes, Money Magazine, the Princeton Review and Kiplinger's for being "a top liberal arts college."
The college, founded by abolitionist Jonathan Blanchard in 1860, is now home to 3,000 students, with alumni hailing from more than 90 countries.
According to Diana Verm, Wheaton alumna and legal counsel at the non-profit religious liberty law firm Becket, this fight is one the college should not have had to endure.
"The government is not above the law – that's why we have civil rights laws," she charged. "Wheaton should never have had to go to court to protect its rights in the first place."
Philip Ryken, president of Wheaton College, offered his gratitude to God and the rule of law.
"We are grateful to God that the court recognized Wheaton's religious identity and protected our ability to affirm the sanctity of human life," Ryken said. "The government should never have tried to force us to provide drugs and services against our faith, but that episode is now behind us."
While some states, like Pennsylvania and California, are still debating the issue, Wheaton College can rest in knowing this mandate covers them from future attacks against the core beliefs of the institution.
Verm, who championed the cause for half a decade, echoed these sentiments, adding, "This order ensures we won't have to come back."