Censorship: Instagram, Facebook Block Pro-Life Posts by Alveda King, Nick Loeb and Babylon Bee Founder
Multiple pro-life supporters have seen their anti-abortion posts removed in another round of censorship from popular social media sites Instagram and Facebook.
Recently, Christian satire site founder Adam Ford and pro-life filmmakers Nick Loeb and Dr. Alveda King report they've all seen their posts blocked.
Ford, who created the Christian satire Babylon Bee, had created a post comparing abortion to slavery. It was quickly removed by Instagram over an assertion it was "hate speech."
"We want to keep Instagram a safe place for everyone, and we ask that you treat other members of the community with respect," stated Instagram in a note to Ford. "Even if you didn't mean to offend, remember that we created these guidelines to support and protect our community on Instagram."
"When hate speech is being shared to challenge it or to raise awareness, we may allow it," they continued.
Ford's comic strip featured a conversation between two women living 200 years ago, debating the morality of slavery. The conversation involves similar arguments used in the abortion debate, with the initial question being, "Does slavery ever bother you?"
The last picture in the comic, captioned "200 years later," shows the two women starting the conversation on abortion, with one asking "Does abortion every bother you?"
In a post on the Christian Daily Reporter, Ford exposed Instagram's actions and defended himself.
"I am hardly the first person to espouse the belief (and hope) that one day society will look back on abortion with the same mortified disbelief we now have when we consider our country's history of institutionalized chattel slavery," stated Ford. "Millions and millions of pro-life Americans - of all races - see the heartbreaking similarities between abortion-on-demand and the forced enslavement of human beings."
"There is no way any human being could believe my comic is promoting slavery, since the two women talking are clearly identified as living 200 years ago, and the woman on the right is clearly the 'bad guy'," he added.
This isn't the first time Ford has had to deal with censorship. Last year, Facebook reduced Babylon Bee's distribution and demonetized it in response to a liberal Snopes piece that claimed to "fact-check" one of their satirical stories, according to the Christian Post.
Meanwhile, filmmakers Nick Loeb and Alveda King have also been blocked on Facebook from sharing about their new pro-life "Roe v. Wade" film which stars Jon Voight.
In an interview with Fox News' Tucker Carlson, Loeb shared the movie had already experienced problems since people in Hollywood did not want to financially support the film.
"We created a crowdfund site called roevwademovie.com and we launched on Facebook to try to raise money, and even Facebook tried to shut us down," stated Loeb.
"They said that we were spamming," he continued. "So we had to set up a separate crowdfunding site. Facebook is one of the only platforms out there to be able to promote a crowdfunding site and they stopped us from sharing."
"I couldn't send out the crowdfunding site to my friends or family and people who liked the site couldn't share it," he added. "We even bought and paid for advertising and they blocked us from sharing paid advertising, so it's been a struggle to get people to go to roevwademovie.com to support the film."
The "Roe v. Wade" film is being made to share "what happened from 1966 through 1973" that ultimately led to the Supreme Court's decision that made existing laws on abortion unconstitutional. The film shares the story of the abortion-legalization movement being founded on deception and it is backed with historical evidence.
Dr. Alveda King, executive producer of the film, was not able to share about the film's fundraising either.
Loeb has stated Facebook has removed the block but has established a "shadow ban" which means what they post will not appear in the feeds of their followers.