'Back in the Arms of Her Predator': Why Traffickers and Abusers Send Young Girls to Planned Parenthood
A new investigative study reveals that Planned Parenthood is not stopping its controversial practices that destroy the value of human life.
Live Action says it has evidence that the abortion giant is now helping child sex abusers and traffickers cover up their crimes.
According to the pro-life group's new report, Planned Parenthood is neglecting to report instances of sexual abuse to the authorities and in some cases sent their victims back to their abusers after performing an abortion.
Live Action President Lila Rose began investigative reporting nearly 10 years ago to uncover the abortion giant's practices.
"After that Live Action started national undercover abuse reporting and began to compile a body of evidence exposing that there was a systemic problem at Planned Parenthood and that is what this report is a culmination of," she told CBN News.
"Planned Parenthood has repeatedly looked the other way, performed abortions on victims as young as 12 years old, and then returned those victims into the waiting arms of their abusers," the report reads. "Planned Parenthood's repeated failure to report such incidents has allowed abusers to continue abusing their victims, often for years."
Live Action gathered state health department reports, testimonies from former Planned Parenthood managers, court cases, and court testimonies from parents and girls who sued the abortion giant. The report also includes interviews with sex trafficking survivors published by Loyola University.
Live Action learned that the organization was abusing laws meant to protect children.
"In all these cases, Planned Parenthood is at least named in all these lawsuits as a group that covered up the abuse of the young girl, the sexual abuse the young girl was enduring and then sending her back in the arms of her predator," Rose said.
Planned Parenthood is required by federal law to report suspected cases of sexual assault to law enforcement. However, the organization shows that they have not been doing so, The Daily Wire reported.
"While Planned Parenthood frequently attempts to establish itself as a leading advocate on this critical issue, it is actually one of the biggest accomplices to child sexual abuse in the nation," the report continues. "Despite Planned Parenthood's public rhetoric as well as state and federal laws requiring it to report suspected abuse, its failure to report has been deliberate and widespread."
Rose told CBN News that Planned Parenthood has a "don't ask, don't tell" policy on sexual abuse which makes it easy for predators to send young girls there.
"A report by Loyola University shows sex trafficking survivors going to Planned Parenthood as the most frequent clinic that they went to," she said. "The reason for that is because they did not ask any questions."
Despite disturbing reports like this, Planned Parenthood continues to receive American taxpayer dollars by the millions.
"This is a corporation that is the biggest abortion chain receiving over half of a billion dollars every single year," Rose added. "That is $1.5 million a day from taxpayers. They are required by law to report abuse in virtually all 50 states and yet they are flouting those laws daily and putting little girls in harm while committing the human rights abuse of abortion 900 times a day."
Rose told CBN News the report will be handed to members of Congress in the hopes that they will take action in defunding the abortion-provider.
"This corporation should be defunded of all the federal money," she continued. "They should be investigated and prosecuted for these crimes."
Planned Parenthood has attacked the report as discredited evidence.
"This was a par-for-the-course response from a group that is ruthlessly working to cover up their crime," Rose said. "They are basically discrediting the young girls who have spoken up against the abortion corporation. It just goes to show that Planned Parenthood concern is not for women but that they will even discredit abuse survivors whose abuse they help perpetuate."
CBN News has reached out to Planned Parenthood. The company had not responded at the time of publication of this article.