'Scary': NBC's Peacock Launching 'Queer Planet' Animal Doc to Justify LGBT Lifestyles
NBC’s streaming platform Peacock is starting the month of June — known culturally as “Pride month” — with a documentary about animal behavior, seemingly intended to justify LGBT lifestyles.
The documentary, “Queer Planet,” is set to debut Thursday, June 6, and will, according to the show’s synopsis, cover the “rich diversity of animal sexuality — from flamboyant flamingos to pansexual primates, sex-changing clownfish, multi-gendered mushrooms and everything in between.”
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“This documentary looks at extraordinary creatures, witnesses amazing behaviors, and introduces the scientists who are questioning the traditional concept of what’s natural when it comes to sex and gender,” the documentary’s description continued.
The very premise of the show is “scary,” Bryan Osborne of the apologetics ministry Answers in Genesis said during a recent appearance on CBN’s “Faith vs. Culture.”
Taking moral and sexual cues from the animal kingdom, he explained, “is a terrible idea.”
“If we look at the animal kingdom, there are a lot of other things happening, like rape and murder, and it’s not a problem in the animal kingdom — or to kill the one you just mated with, that happens with different insects,” Osborne said. “Lots of things happen within the animal kingdom for multiple reasons … but it doesn’t set the standard for who we are and how we should act as human beings.”
The Peacock documentary highlights the divergent worldviews of Christians and secularists, he said, arguing the basis of “Queer Planet” centers on the belief human beings are their own gods, rather than the biblical belief that there is one true God who is sovereign over all creation.
In Colossians 1:16-17, for example, the Apostle Paul wrote, “For by Him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities — all things were created through Him and for Him. And He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together” (ESV).
“[The creators of ‘Queer Planet’] are adhering to a worldview that says we’re just basically our own gods, we are our own animals, we can determine truth for ourselves and we can determine sexuality as we see fit and, if we want to pull some ideas from the animal kingdom, why not do that?” Osborne said, differentiating that from the Christian view that humans are uniquely “made in God’s image” and belief that “there’s a Creator who we’re accountable to” who “knows how we work best.”
Animals are distinctly different from human beings in a whole host of ways, chief among them being the fact animals act solely on instinct; they do not operate within the confines of any sort of moral context and are incapable of making decisions within such a framework. Additionally, the reason for homosexual activity within the animal kingdom is entirely unclear, although some have theorized the anomalous behavior could be chalked up to confusion, physical disability, or a display of aggression or dominance.
“It’s two diametrically opposed worldviews really clashing here,” Osborne said of the documentary.
During the trailer for the upcoming show, actor and host Andrew Randalls claims the existence of so-called “queer” animals reveals “just two sexes is clearly out of style” before telling viewers they should be engaging in sexual activity “a little more than we do.”
The very existence of a documentary like “Queer Planet,” Osborne said, is evidence society has “thrown the Bible out” as an objective moral authority.
“If you throw the Bible out, what are you left with as your authority?” he asked. “Well, man’s ideas and your own ideas, ultimately. You determine truth for yourself, which is kind of the theme of our culture. … Follow your heart, your heart determines truth, which is a terrible idea, because our hearts are deceptive and wicked and broken by sin.”
The degradation of sexuality as God designed it — as an expression of love intended to be enjoyed between one man and one woman within the confines of a marriage covenant — is the result of “generations of Biblical authority being eroded.”
“Multiple generations have embraced that now and we see a culture ready to rebel really headlong against what God says, even in regards to the animal kingdom and taking our cues from them,” Osborne said.
You can watch our full “Faith vs. Culture” conversation in the video above.
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