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'The Baxters' Series Hits Amazon Prime Showcasing Faith, Family, and Prayer

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A new television series that puts the focus on faith, family, and prayer is now available on Amazon Prime streaming platform.

"The Baxters," is a show based on based on Christian novelist Karen Kingsbury's best-selling book series called Redemption and it focuses on a family maneuvering the highs and lows of life with prayer. 

Actress Roma Downey has a starring role in the series and serves as a producer.  

She told CBN News why she wanted to do this project.
"Well, I was first introduced to the Karen Kingsbury bestselling books series. I couldn't put it down. So, I am reading 'The Baxters' and I'm thinking this could be like 'Touched by an Angel' because while it is not dealing with angels; it is dealing with a family of faith and a family who have many challenges, but things in life that bring them to their knees," she explained. 

"This family, unlike other families, when they are brought to their knees they pray. I reached out to Karen Kingsbury. I said, 'Karen would you ever consider allowing me the rights to auction your book to bring it to TV?' She said you don't know this is an answer to a prayer," Downey continued.

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Although the characters in the series are filled with faith, they are still flawed. However, prayer carries them through difficult circumstances.

"It makes you realize how rarely we see people of faith on TV shows. How rarely we get to see a church-going family; a God-honoring family taking the time in a moment of crisis to say let's stop and pray for our daughter, and then they pray in the name of Jesus," Downey told CBN News.
"I think people hear of a faith show and that go, 'Ugh, a lot of goodie two shoes.' I have a lovely ensemble cast, but Kathie Lee Gifford did me a solid favor and stepped in a guest starring role for me. Her daughter Cassidy Gifford is also a character in the show," she added.
Katie Lee Gifford plays Lilian Ashford, and her daughter portrays the role of Reagan Peters.
Both mother and daughter shared with CBN News why this project was so important for them.
"I wanted to be part of this project because people are very hungry for something good right now," Cassidy told CBN News. 
"You know it's so important to come home to something and then come home to God...I hope that it just blesses people and meets them wherever they are," she added.
"I agree with Cassidy," Lee Gifford expressed. "I just hope that it can inspire them to get closer to God."
"A show like 'The Baxters' is a reminder that there's a bigger community of church, a community of believers, and a community of people to look out for each other," Downey said. 
Watch Seasons 1-3 of "The Baxters" on the Amazon Prime streaming platform.

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James Wilkins is a multimedia producer for CBN's Studio 5.