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Tension in Streets as Ferguson Residents Await Ruling


What is the mood in Ferguson and what are churches doing to help? CBN's John Jessup is on the ground ahead of the grand jury's decision on whether to indict officer Darren Wilson in the death of Michael Brown.

New Jersey School Sued over Pledge of Allegiance


The battle over the Pledge of Allegiance went to a New Jersey court Wednesday.

Muslim Jakarta Swears in Christian Governor


For the first time in 50 years, the new governor of Indonesia's capital city of Jarkata is a Christian.

Senate Republicans Block NSA Phone Spying Bill

Senate Republicans defended the National Security Agency, blocking a bill that would have ended the NSA's bulk collection of American phone records.

Reid Urges Obama to 'Go Big' on Immigration Order


Outgoing Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., is urging President Barack Obama to "go big" on his upcoming executive order on illegal immigrants.

Arctic Chill Blasts All 50 States, Millions Snowed In

Half of the nation is buried in snow this morning as an Arctic blast makes its way through the Midwest and New England.

Distracted Driving in Seconds Changed Her Forever


She lied to her mom, snuck out to the party, and woke up weeks later. Katie Mathews now warns others on the dangers of distracted driving, which almost killed her.

Is Religion the Answer to Japan's Suicide Crisis?


The number of suicides in Japan is down for the third year in a row, but it is still a serious problem in this nation with the world's third largest economy.