New Jersey School Sued over Pledge of Allegiance
The battle over the Pledge of Allegiance went to a New Jersey court Wednesday.
A family sued the Aberdeen Matawan School District in southern New Jersey earlier this year. The suit claims the phrase "under God" in the pledge discriminates against children who hold atheist beliefs.
The lawsuit is supported by the American Humanist Association.
The school district is fighting the lawsuit and says it is merely following a state law that requires schools to have a daily recitation of the pledge.
School officials say individual students do not have to participate.
Samantha Jones, an 18-year-old from the school district, along with the attorneys with the Beckett Fund for Religious Freedom, will fight for the right to say the pledge.
CBN News spoke with Diana Verm, of the Beckett Fund about the lawsuit, last month.
The two sides will argue the school district's motion to dismiss the lawsuit Wednesday in state Superior Court in Freehold.